Hippie Hollow... clothing optional swimming and hiking park outside of Austin

Raikage's Avatar
Has anyone ever been or thought of visiting and seeing friends there?
budman33's Avatar
90% of what you will see at Hippy Hollow will make you want to go home and put hot pokers to your eyes. Some things just can't be unseen no matter how hard you try.

On the other hand if you enjoy seeing really old naked gay dudes .... hey they need friends too.

It's worth bucket listing, but ... Better from a boat imo
Beagle's Avatar
I think I'll just invest in a periscope, a pair of goggles and a snorkel.
SumNone's Avatar
There is really nothing sexy about the place. While it feels nice to be naked in the sun and the water, the sights will frequently make you shiver. It is primarily older hippies and older gay men. Def don't go if you're looking for eye candy; I've never caught it there. If you bring someone along, it can be fun. However any open sexual activity is pretty frowned upon. I've only been a couple of times, but that is my experience.
That is pretty much the experience.
When I was a kid growing up in Austin in the 70's, it was actually all the rage, and there were hot naked ladies out there. But in the 80's it moved into it's gay phase, and in the 90's it moved into the older man gay phase. Not the same place it was back then.

Run away....
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
H-H is for nudism, not sexual activity. I go there by boat now but used to visit the place and sit by the second rest room area, which is definitely heterosexual. What you will find, for the most part, are average people who like to get into the sun in the nude. Sorry if the average human body is disgusting to several people -- this is the real world. But I tend to judge people more by who they are than what they look like.
Here, here! Well spoke sir!

Just remember ya'll- if you go there that lewd acts in public are a violation of state law and you WILL be arrested by the park rangers. SOME people can't seem to separate sex from nudity and THAT is why I stopped going there. If there weren't so many badly behaved pervs (don't get me wrong, I love pervs!) then more hot women would feel safe going there. Too many people with impulse control problems..... there are other places for that.
me and a buch of hot strippers went one weekend so you never know when 15 strippers will be drinking and sun bathing never know I SAY LETS CHANGE THE NORMALL activity their GIRLS LETS GO RAID HIPPIE HOLLOW WITH ASS AND TITTS..........WHo wants to go?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
As an FYI, the annual Butts, Boobs, and Boats festivities will be held on July 15th and 16th. Party on 6th Street Friday night and then a takeover of Hippie Hollow by boat on the 16th. Assuming visitors from Dallas/Houston/etc. can get their boats in the water on the 16th (there are only 2 public boat ramps open right now), there will be dozens and dozens and dozens of boats hooked up with several house boats and party barges. For those guys who complain about the female scenery at H-H, this is definitely the day to be a voyeur.

My boat is very stripper/provider-friendly for those who want to come by shore and join the fun.
When I first moved to Austin and heard about Hippie Hollow, I thought "how cool"!
Until my friend and I went one weekend, and we were the only girls there. Lots of testicles hanging around in the fresh air... We never did go back :-/