Just wondering why they dont have Rent 2 Own cars? Lmao
Its a great idea
I seriously need a car maybe I should offer a once a week for 6months deal for a car or something. Just a thought per say😜
AJ ... although it might seem like a good idea, it would not be a good business decision. I would rank this right up there with "Pay Day Loans". Seems like a good idea when you need $ now and know you can cover the loan later with a paycheck coming up. But you vety seldom ever do and the interest is SKY HIGH!!Agreed! I know a man that became a millionaire on rent to on vehicles.. you miss a note.. voids contract.. he picks up.. sales again.. it’s like probation and parole it’s a never ending cycle
The "Rent To Own" Businesses make a BUTT LOAD of $ off of you . You would do much better in the long run biting the bullet and doing whatever you possibly can to save up $1,500-$3,000 and pay cash for a beater. Then use that to be more mobile in seeing clients and save up more to eventually trade the beater in on a nicer newer model. Slowly work your way up like that. This also allows you to carry minimum insurance coverage instead of full coverage.
Some may disagree with me. But those are my thoughts. Originally Posted by EastTexasGrown