A board Democrat finally admits why Kavanaugh is being raped

From the Dallas Sandbox.

This from the evil motherfuckers who kept Scalia’s seat open for over 400 days and never gave Merrick Garland a hearing while his nomination was pending for over eight months. Heaven forbid we wait two to four more weeks. What a sorry bunch of worthless, lying, inconsistent pricks you guys are. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Don’t for a minute think that this is payback for Merrick Garland. This isn’t even a down payment. We won’t be even for that until we steal a seat that should belong to the Republicans. We WILL get even for Merrick Garland. But when we do, it’ll make this look like a fuckin’ Sunday School picnic in comparison. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
After we’ve gotten even and not a minute before. Besides, I don’t think in their current configuration, Republicans even believe in the rule of law. If they did, they never would have elected scum like Trump. His entire existence since he’s been an adult is a rejection of the rule of law. He’s a crook, a con man, and by all appearances, a racist, xenophobes, misogynist, and a bigot. You don’t compromise with people like that. You extirpate them from the body politic. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
TheDaliLama's Avatar
All baby killers are the same.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
TxTushHog. why am i not surprised by his rants??

he claims to a high dollar lawyer ... does he think he could make a case of that cunt Ford's messed up mess that is her "story"?

i'd bet he wouldn't touch it. Perry Fucking Mason couldn't win a conviction.
Hotrod511's Avatar
From the Dallas Sandbox. Originally Posted by gnadfly
maybe they should send wakeup to the Dallas sand box
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Back to topic.......
lustylad's Avatar
Is the TushHog still hanging with hildebeest? Funny how he disappeared from this forum on Election Day 2016.

Snort, snort!

bambino's Avatar
Is the TushHog still hanging with hildebeest? Funny how he disappeared from this forum on Election Day 2016.

Snort, snort!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Yeah, the likes of StandingStraight, The Mystic, and MT Pockets have seemed to have vanished. Along with WTF. Too bad, I think my bet on GDP with WTF was a winner too.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah, the likes of StandingStraight, The Mystic, and MT Pockets have seemed to have vanished. Along with WTF. Too bad, I think my bet on GDP with WTF was a winner too. Originally Posted by bambino
you just listed 3/4ths of my ignore list. maybe i should edit that to include more current posters?

WTF's last post was just before the site went down. either he never bothered to check the site or decided he'd had enough?

themystic mystifies me! the "kinder gentler" Political forum should have allowed him to do what he claimed he could not before ... post without getting insulted. well that can't happen now .. so where is he?

Pockets .. Pockets .. Pockets .. so many empty posts .. er pockets.

one would think that all of the above would want Kavanaugh's head on a pike, Spartacus!

yet they have deserted their anti-Trump brethren .. leaving them completely out-numbered here. but this is the "kinder gentler" Political forum!!!

isn't it?
Nice to see you guys are not board by keeping your selfs entertained. Just keep talking amongst your selfs about stuff nobody else cares about lol n smh n lol.

Twit head is always the entertainment n joke of the day
bambino's Avatar
Nice to see you guys are not board by keeping your selfs entertained. Just keep talking amongst your selfs about stuff nobody else cares about lol n smh n lol.

Twit head is always the entertainment n joke of the day Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Bored, not “board”. Kavanaugh will be confirmed. The allegations are falling apart.
What gets me is a supposed "officer of the court" would admit the attacks on a sitting Federal Judge is part of a contrived smear campaign.

Brazenly! Not just unprofessional and undignified but potentially harmful to one's career.

If Judge K gets on the SC or stays in his current position, I hope he remembers those who tried to rape him in front of the country and his family. Like the MSM, I use the term rape in a nonlegal legal sense.
  • oeb11
  • 10-03-2018, 10:00 AM
Comments from the Dallas Sandbox - see lst post in this thread- are from TTH - an individual with no known or clear connection of any kind to the Senate confirmation process of Judge Kavanaugh.
TTH's opinions are not evidence of an organized "smear campaign" on the part of Democratic Party US Senators.

Regardless of my personal opinion of the confirmation process and of Democratic behavior, I refuse to accept unsubstantiated allegations- which are a form of "smear" in its own way.
Is the TushHog still hanging with hildebeest? Funny how he disappeared from this forum on Election Day 2016.

Snort, snort!

Originally Posted by lustylad
The funniest thing about this is that back when Bill was chasing the ladies, guess who was his running buddy (Trump). They both got older and smarter.
RetiredSubmariner's Avatar
Snort, snort!

Originally Posted by lustylad
That is a great meme

lustylad's Avatar
Comments from the Dallas Sandbox - see lst post in this thread- are from TTH - an individual with no known or clear connection of any kind to the Senate confirmation process of Judge Kavanaugh.
TTH's opinions are not evidence of an organized "smear campaign" on the part of Democratic Party US Senators. Originally Posted by oeb11
Daayyuumm! And here I was under the impression that TTH is a respected DNC insider and a big mover & shaker in dimotard power circles. My bad!

I guess he must have hitched his wagon to a crashing "star" when he went to work for hildebeest!