I was wondering what happen to her - juicyjeanz27

'cause I thought she was a decent provider.

I think she went back home to south louisiana. I believe she had a man and I guess he stopped her from visiting casinos. She was fun and I reached out a couple of times with no reply.
Another one bites the dust.
mrredcat43's Avatar
She last logged in 5 days ago, and her showcase is still active...........
I should have been more verbose in my post. The link is to a review where she ripped a dude off for $500 and her gay dude traveling companion was involved.

We are in a world where laides need deposits because of all the NCNS and you have unscrupulous ladies ripping off stupid hobbyist (myself included) for prepaying for a session.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I should have been more verbose in my post. The link is to a review where she ripped a dude off for $500 and her gay dude traveling companion was involved.

We are in a world where laides need deposits because of all the NCNS and you have unscrupulous ladies ripping off stupid hobbyist (myself included) for prepaying for a session. Originally Posted by Headkeeper
You're good HK. I mis-read it myself. You meant A's in, she going downhill. Carry on
Cassmann's Avatar
Kinda knew she was on the Flaky side when she's Begged me to see her during the shut down , but she was new to Eccie and I was very sceptical of her. But once Eccie come back up and Harley jumped on her several times, thought she was Good to go!

Till about the same BS crap happened:
Me: are we on for today?
Her: well it will be later than expected cuz had to drive South cuz my kid sick
Me: ok how about 4?
Her: that's good I'll be back before then
Me: 4 is here, where are you?
Her: it will be way later as Im still down south and haven't got out of bed yet
Me: cancel and never mind

Same BS just no money involved. She's old BP chick with BP behavior it seems
I visited with her once and thought she was a good companion. I always get leary when outside influences are around.
I met the young lady once, think i even did a review of our time together. It was a good encounter to say the least. I was aware of the post,after we met, of her ripping off another gentleman and I hoped that she had made things right by him. It is a shame to have that happen. Hope she make good on it because I will not see her until she does. SMH
MajicPlayground's Avatar
To date, she has not. I know the hobbyist this happened to and he is a true sweetheart. She has made no attempt to fix the situation and I'm guessing she doesn't really care. As P said in her thread, this just gives a bad name to all of us who ARE reputable....which is why we are kinda harsh with ladies who do this kind of thing. It's truly not just the guys who get mad about this kind of stuff.

Peace and good karma
Cassmann's Avatar
Yeah since she did what she did and bailed on me, after a week in advance notice. I don't think she has been back up this way, and even if she does I will not see her. Just the fact she ripped that guy off. TOTAL BP move all the way. True Eccie ladies know better than to do that kind of stuff.