Encounter: let down

Date: 10-28-18
Name: ash1102
User ID:: 339118
Phone: 832-757-3370
Email Address: ashbabe1102@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=339118
City: Houston
State: - TX
Address: - hotel in sugarland
Activities: - toy play, half ass BBBJ then she passed out and so instead of being a dick and ripping her off i woke her up to tell her i was leaving and an argument over funds insued, i paid half and left with her very angry
Hair Length and Color: - Brown, shoulder length
Age: - 20s early 30s
Smoking Status: - yes
Ethnic Background: - white
Physical Description: - very pretty, just like her photos with glasses and everything
Recommendation: No
Wow dude... that’s terrible. Sucks that you had to go through that.
i hit the finished button before i got a chance to write the entire review, it was pretty bad, and sucks because i had seen her before and had a much better experience, she mentioned some extracurricular activities that obviously contributed to this happening
Good review i lost it when she fell asleep lol
Amazer's Avatar
Ouch. Feel bad for you dude.
PeterPipeHer's Avatar
damn thats terrible
loveitdou's Avatar
Thanks-sorry ! I appreciate the straight forward info.
The1Slayer's Avatar

Thanks for the info...... Sucks to read.....
That sucks!
yes! it was like 10 30 pm also, not super late
Early 30's? Are you sure you saw the right chick?
ROS is there for a reason by the way...don't just skip it,especially when it's a No review
Early 30's? Are you sure you saw the right chick?
ROS is there for a reason by the way...don't just skip it,especially when it's a No review Originally Posted by Prince Akeem Of Zamunda
i know who i saw and i already stated i pushed enter too quickly. honestly not much else to tell about the experience though
Aweshucks's Avatar
I recently had a great time with her and did a lengthy review with pics. Sorry to hear this is how your time went. Total bummer.
i know who i saw and i already stated i pushed enter too quickly. honestly not much else to tell about the experience though Originally Posted by NoShame
She looks nowhere near 30's bruh

And yeah shit happens when you're submitting a review
There's plenty of time to edit and add details
Jugg.Head's Avatar
WoW.Had my eye on her.