Hello everyone

thenightcrawler's Avatar
I've been trying to get up to speed on all the acronyms used here before i dove in and now think i have most of them down but please bear with me. I first found Eccie in Jan but have not had the time or the confidence to right but I would like to thank you all for the education and the hours of intertainment. I love what your all doing here and will do my best to make a possitive contrbution. thenightcrawler.
And Then???......
bartipero's Avatar
What are you getting at, Crystal? It's just a comment.
Welcome to eccie Hope you have LOTS of fun!!!

Welcome aboard Nightcrawler
Welcome nightcrawler, hope you have a good and safe time.
Not sure what Crystal Love's post is about

But welcome to the group!!
thenightcrawler's Avatar
Thank you all.