
I have been a member here for awhile and kinda new at the hobby and this place is great for info and enjoyment. My question is how do you get info on the women by using search boxes , do you put in the name,phone# or what and in which search box. I know it's probably easy but I haven't figured it out yet. When I try it comes up no provider found. Thanks for your help.
Mojojo's Avatar
Any of those pieces of information should pull up something. If you have an email, or phone number you can enter that and on the "search in forum" box highlight where you want that search to take place i.e. independent review, spa review, etc etc.

For a more simple search of reviews, try using the showcase option or the member list to locate her profile. Once you click on her profile there's a tab titled "My reviews" if you click on that it should give you all of her reviews.