PSA NyNy Line Up

Service90210's Avatar
Per Alyssa, the following line up of ladies at NyNy are all Korean:

Tiny ..
Marie ..
Ruby ..
Glass ..
Suzie ..
Elisha ..

Glass is new, and I'm hoping to review her next week.

Enjoy the Hobby. :-)
slimpickens54's Avatar
Per Alyssa, the following line up of ladies at NyNy are all Korean:

Tiny ..
Marie ..
Ruby ..
Glass ..
Suzie ..
Elisha ..

Glass is new, and I'm hoping to review her next week.

Enjoy the Hobby. :-) Originally Posted by Service90210
Thanks for the intel Service. I believe Glass and Yuri May be the same (Yuri is Glass in Korean). Unfortunately, she’s getting off to a rough start. She is young and has a rocking body, so hopefully she’s settles in and becomes a great provider.

Have not seen or met Elisha. Any more intel on her?
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 11-18-2018, 06:33 AM
Saw Tiny yesterday holy crap!. Alyssa answered the door and walked me to the room in street clothes so she's there but maybe taking a small "vacation".
levitraman's Avatar
Just had a good time with Tiny, very friendly girl, will be seeing her again before she leaves on the 25th of nov
Service90210's Avatar
Thanks Slimpickens, I'll remember that "Yuri" is Korean for "Glass." Also, going off your review I'll probably not set up an appointment with her anytime soon. I don't have info on Elisha. I may try and see her instead, and report back on the encounter.
Service90210's Avatar
L.A., Alyssa prefers to work in the evenings after 5pm, and only works via appointments. I guess I could call it she's on part time "daycation"?

Levitraman - Tiny is very appropriately named, and super sweet to boot.
Having a hard time finding info on Sugar
slimpickens54's Avatar
Having a hard time finding info on Sugar Originally Posted by SeanErus
Search, my friend, search:

Seems like we have a couple of sugary treats currently right next door to each other. I can only speak to NYNY Sugar, but she is delectable indeed.
Service90210's Avatar
Thanks Slimpickens.
Any word when Jessica is going to be back in town?
Service90210's Avatar
Alegar9987, I wouldn't mind having Jessica back in town, but I haven't heard anything.