The hobby and my luck

drinkindreamin's Avatar
As of September apparently my luck with the hobby and women has gone to shit ... and I really don’t know why? It’s getting bad when you have to buy the room and wire a chick money just so she has enough gas to make it to the appointment. Is it just me? I mean I hear every hard luck story there is... and stupid me I feel sorry for women and swear I’ll never do it again. then next one that comes along... here we go again. There used to be times when I actually thought I was helping a somebody out... that’s not the case anymore. Truth is it’s not only the hobby it’s every life. You can’t even trust your friends anymore. You can’t help people and you certainly can’t loan money. It took me along time to figure that out. It is what is and it’s a lesson learned for me.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
According to another post and the responses it generated I get the impression everyone is dealing with their fair share of bullshit and it’s not really anyone in particular... it’s just an overall shit show anymore.

**Staff edit: Repaired tags
Cassmann's Avatar
drinkindreamin's Avatar
And just as I expected... considering I'm the one hemorrhaging here. Another cancellation and another excuse. Its a never ending cycle and patterns, its really not one provider in particular , its a damsel in distress, discussion for some help, work out the terms, then the cancellation... Then an excuse and justification so it can be done again... It really frustrates me at times then I consider the environment.. Its just what it is and its the nature of the beast. Good game, You win but I'm out. I'd advise my fellow hobbiest to stay with what you know and even then ,use your better judgement. Trust me I've paid for that lesson and tidbit of advise. Good day to ya, Im off to watch porn.
@drinkindramin Do we need to do an intervention?
drinkindreamin's Avatar
@drinkindramin Do we need to do an intervention? Originally Posted by Headkeeper
I believe so!! The promise of pussy has consumed my life!
34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
Drinkin... may I apologize for your luck as of late. Maybe its not you but who you took a chance on.

With all the changes to eccie this year and influx of new users both clients and providers yes I too have noticed a monumental change. I understand that variety is the spice of life and sometimes its exciting to get to see the new one first but thats also a gamble. Safe known and reviewed choices are also available.

I for one work hard to keep my reputation as a solid 'exactly what you needed' from wearing your favorite color to having your favorite beverage on hand. I try my best to always be the best hostess I can be and avoid drama at all cost.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Drinkin... may I apologize for your luck as of late. Maybe its not you but who you took a chance on. Originally Posted by 34E Whitney Weston
Thank You and Yes that seems to be the case. I will say I've enjoyed every time I've ever met with you. I can say you were one of my best memorable experiences. You've crossed my mind lately as I was thinking I needed to get back to those I enjoyed and can trust.
Now I’d say there’s a promising proposition there DD! You will never be disappointed with good ole reliable WW! That will definitely swing momentum back in your favor. Especially if ya love ‘tits’ the way I do. She is definitely packin a pair of the best. And is ‘old school service oriented’.
Bear down now. And enjoy the ride!
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Now I’d say there’s a promising proposition there DD! You will never be disappointed with good ole reliable WW! That will definitely swing momentum back in your favor. Especially if ya love ‘tits’ the way I do. She is definitely packin a pair of the best. And is ‘old school service oriented’.
Bear down now. And enjoy the ride! Originally Posted by cowboyup1960
Absolutely, One of the best Ive had the pleasure of meeting.
Cassmann's Avatar
She's always eager to please for Sure. Can't believe you've not seen her in some time. Sounds like for sure you need a change, all that cancellation would of made me say No after the 2nd one. Don't promise me pussy, give me the pussy or get gone!!! She's sounds like a game player and trying to get money for doing Nothing
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
I have nothing to add. I just wanted to post.

OH YEAH, I almost forgot. I've been around forever. The sites are always changing and folks remember the good old days. I heard gents bitching about how it ain't like it used to be 20 years ago.

The temperament of the hobby has certainly changed. IN GENERAL (this comment does NOT apply to all the ladies) gals seem more mercenary. They are more interested in getting a guy off twixt his legs than twixt his ears. There are multiple exceptions to that observation. I'm just tossing out a generality.

Well, back to the peanut farm for me.

drinkindreamin's Avatar
Sorry for the bitch session today, I'm over it. I've been a grouchy son of bitch today. Even griped to the girl that cancelled. I guess because I lost the hotel room, when I knew It was a wasted resource, that could have been put to better use. Communication is the key , I'll try to get my shit together and keep it off the board. Damn you cant save them all but Ive wasted a small fortune trying.
  • jwj6o
  • 11-27-2018, 08:26 PM
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