Just a brief history, I joined ECCIE in 2012. I managed to stay away (retired) for almost 2 years. During my retirement, I got bored and decided to login to my account. I was so overwhelmed when I saw countless PMs from fellow hobbyists and providers. Many of them asked if I plan to come back or not.
I started responding to some of them. I decided to visit one of my favorite providers. All of the sudden, I got hooked again. Sometimes I would see a couple ladies on the same day. I was so into this hobby that $ was just an afterthought. It’s really an addiction. I want to quit, but it’s nearly impossible. I have tried dating several times, but that also failed. I dated one of the providers who had enough of this hobby. We got along well for the first few months. Then I got tired of our relationship.
I’m dating again now. That’s why I haven’t reviewed lately. However, the urge to come back is so unbearable.
I would appreciate your thoughts and opinions on this topic. Is there a better way to walk away?