Taking a break

From the looks of the very little action on here lately looks like others like me have been taken a break. I never thought I could get tired of playing around but lately it become a chore and not as much fun as it used to be.
Not sure if any other clients have the experience of burn out but I know it does happen.
I hope to start again soon and slow down and hopefully enjoy my friends again at a slower pace.
I think much of it is mental as if you do not have the mental game going when in a session it just becomes a regular do it and go. Most of the providers I see on a regular basis understand this and the talks, foreplay and knowing what each enjoys goes a long way into having an enjoyable session.
Hope all are well with everyone and you are enjoying what the hobby has to offer.
Two things I believe to be true in the hobby.

If you are in the hobby for intimacy you are in it for the wrong reason.

If you can't give a blow job better than a housewife you'll never make the money to stay in business.
Cassmann's Avatar
Agree 1000% Headkeeper. And I am a little burnt out like Harley is. Too many Non Eccie girls, drama and just the BS gets old when all I want is to get Laid!!! I've already backed Way off from my norm, and now when I hobby it's going to be New providers.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Two things I believe to be true in the hobby.

If you are in the hobby for intimacy you are in it for the wrong reason.

If you can't give a blow job better than a housewife you'll never make the money to stay in business. Originally Posted by Headkeeper
I'll add, beware burn out.

What are things coming to when the infamous HD takes a break? The universe is out of kilter!
Well ole pard, I hope I had nothing to do with tilting the atmosphere out of balance by finally spelunking a newbie ahead of you. As far as I know that is only the second one ever that I arrived ahead of the master.
Anyway, friend. Sit back, relax and enjoy some other life pleasures. Life is too short to allow frustration to dominate. (At is wisdom acquired via a divorce!)
Then, come on back refreshed, rested and refinanced!
Won’t be the same without you. But I understand a bit. Seems like hobbying has almost become a job to enjoy a good time these days. Exactly what we are seeking to avoid by contracting professionals huh?
Better days lay ahead my friend. Hang in there. The rest of us will attempt to hold down the fort during your absence.
Thanks Cowboy. Always enjoy reading your adventures.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
Yes, I too believe it is time for a break. Im not sure if I need break from the hobby or just the board. Ive considered being a bit more selective and staying with the ladies Ive met with my time on the board. I still have your number.. and Im sure you have mine in one way or another. There seems to be lots going on behind the scenes and Ive come to the conclusion trust is not a virtue. Lots of different players from many different angles, its really gotten more than I care to deal with anymore. You cant trust people and Its not fun anymore. I guess when you see chicks count out 2k in a days time and prowl all times of the day and night. It tends to sour the grapes for me. You do the math to that. Its 3- 6 men. Knowing they work 2 or 3 days a week that's.. 72-100k a year. Shit its more than a college graduate makes per year. Yet you still get calls they need to see you or I'm about to be thrown out of my apt or home. It really waters down the compassion that should be felt. I've come across many different attitudes with my time in the hobby. Ive run across women that were in the hobby because they had financial obligations and kids and they felt their back was against the wall. I tend to cater to this type. I never felt like all of them enjoyed the hobby. They were just doing what they had to do. Others I think they enjoy the thrill , the attention and the power of knowing they have what every straight man wants. This past year I had an experience from 3 different ladies I helped support at one time or another, one of which was not in the hobby but her game was all the same. You make sacrifices to support their needs ,lots of times with no strings attached in an effort to help get them on their feet. Then that day comes when things are better and you see them in around. You can almost see the truth come to light in that single moment...Honestly it makes you feel like such a fool or it did me. Those 3 experiences have really caused some real major conflict with my moral code, being the reason I question my involvement here on the board anymore...and the need to contribute to my 401k a lil MORE Not that there aren't nice polite providers that appreciate you seeing them in the Shreveport Bossier because there are. I have some really good memories of several of them. So my apologies to those that deserve it and to each his own.. Hope you find what your looking for and may we all get everything we deserve. Thoughts from a conflicted man...
+1 here DD. There are still a few I call friends on here and will continue to visit and communicate but if and when I see someone new I will make sure I know what I am getting into or I will bail. Tired of BS when I am paying.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Seems your retirement lasted about as long as the first six of Brett Favre. LOL Just poking fun!


drinkindreamin's Avatar
That pussy is like a magnet you know... we mostly just like to make smart ass comments and bitch.
That pussy is like a magnet you know ... wemostly just like to make smart ass comments and bitch. Originally Posted by drinkindreamin

Sitting in a well populated restaurant for lunch right now LAUGHING OUT LOUD!! Oh how true that statement above it. Always knew my cock was hard but had no idea it was made of steel. Now I understand my inability to resist the pull every time pussy walks by me!!
drinkindreamin's Avatar
It gets to the best of us.. enjoy the lunch.
LOL how true
Lol how true
Ditto! Am from Monroe area. Jackson is typically known as dead as hell but I’m starting to wonder wth drove west instead of east