Birthers - Born Again?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Oh, brother! I hope this doesn't get started up again.

KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 06-28-2011, 06:48 PM
Make it idiot proof and a new and improved idiot comes along.
dirty dog's Avatar
All I can do is laugh.
You guys are slow. The first clip claiming Obama's long form BC was fake showed up on Youtube literally hours after it was released.

Once a conspiracy has legs, it never dies.
Guest010418's Avatar
This came up's old news. And, it was proven to be bogus.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I just wish everyone would leave this Kenyan born Muslim alone. LOL.
JRLawrence's Avatar
I just wish everyone would leave this Kenyan born Muslim alone. LOL. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
Obama's father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was a radical Muslim of Arab ancestry, who migrated from Kenya to Jakarta, Indonesia. He had a bastard child with a white athiest woman from the Wichita, KS. They met at the University of Hawaii. The mother raised the child and schooled him as Muslin in his youth, both in Hawaii and the Jakarta Indonessia which has a large Muslin population.

His parents married and divorced when Obama was two.

When Obama was six years old his mother married another Muslim, Lolo Soetoro, moved to Jakarta Indonesia. The step-father educated his stepson as a Muslim, enrolling him in one of Jakarta's Wahabbi schools. Wahabbism is the radical teaching that created Muslim terrorists not waging Jihad on the industrialized world.

Obama now claims to be none of these because presenting himself as a Negro Christian gets more votes.

Do I have this straight? That is what my news sources say. Google it yourself.

So much for the President that fails to salute the flag and says he has visited 57 states, and has a couple more to visit.

kcbigpapa's Avatar
... Indonessia which has a large Muslin population. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Muslin is awesome. So soft.

Google it yourself. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Wouldn't it have been easier to just link what you found instead of writing what you found? Would let us know what loony website you get your insight.

Obama now claims to be none of these because presenting himself as a Negro Christian gets more votes. Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Not many people use the word Negro anymore. Well, I guess one sector of the American population does. Want to venture a guess?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yup. It's ba-ack!
JRLawrence's Avatar
Muslin is awesome. So soft. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
That is funny. I have never thought of that play on words.

Not many people use the word Negro anymore. Well, I guess one sector of the American population does. Want to venture a guess?[/QUOTE]
Sorry, you show your youth; I show my old age. I remember when Negro was the respected, and only correct, way to indicate the race. Things seem to be constantly changing for what term is correct. What is the accepted term now? What is the respected term in all regions of the country, in all regions of the world? No one seems to have a problem with the terms used for the other races. I still call some of my family Chinese.

kcbigpapa's Avatar
That is funny. I have never thought of that play on words.

Sorry, you show your youth; I show my old age. I remember when Negro was the respected, and only correct, way to indicate the race. Things seem to be constantly changing for what term is correct. What is the accepted term now? What is the respected term in all regions of the country, in all regions of the world? No one seems to have a problem with the terms used for the other races. I still call some of my family Chinese.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
If you remember when Negro was the only correct way to indicate the race that tells me you also know that is not the acceptable way to refer to African-Americans today. Are some of your family Chinese? If yes, then that is fine. If they are Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc, and you are referring to them as Chinese, well, then you're just an asshole. LOL.
JRLawrence's Avatar
Nope, they are Chinese. Seems that I have become friends with more Chinese in my life than I would have ever imagined. It just happened that way. I love Japanese food, don't like Korean food (too hot), Vietnamese food I also like but Thai cuisine I really like and I have Thai food regularly. There are a couple of soul food places in KC that are really great (try The Peachtree or my favorite Niecie's at 6441 Troost - they recently moved). In the 50's I knew some really great guys from Lincoln University and got refused service a cafe when we wanted something to eat. In the 60' I got called " Lover" for participating in a couple of the marches, and having friends of color at college.

By the way I don't remember using the phrase African-American. I don't think that the phrase is appropriate. All Americans have used the right to be called Americans especially those who served with me in the US Marine Corps, and during the 60's they still had some things to overcome that were still leftover from the 40's. I owe my life so several of these "brothers".

The US Marines serve rice at least once a week everywhere in the world, at my last information on this, because of the long history of service in the Orient. I was lucky to have several oriental history college courses during my spare time while in the Corps.

Without looking it up, my memory of language goes like this:
Spanish: The meaning of Negro in Spanish is the color black. Apart from The Spanish language the Mexicans have some twists on the word use.

Latin: The meaning of Nigra is feminine for black and Niger is the Masculine black
(this refers to colors only in Latin, not people)
German: The german word "Neger" is not considered to be a pejorative (disrespectful)

Also note: the country Nigeria (Niger -ia from the Lain) and the German Niger Berg (black mountain).

A lot of implication has been made from various spellings with:

and the use of difference suffix such as er or ar. Richard Priors white wife had a record where she recalled where everyone else was using one suffix and she used the wrong one.

It also seems OK for the brothers to use one term among themselves, but as I white guy I avoid the whole thing of Ni---, Na---, Ne--- when referring to a person.

I thought the latin Negro was, and is, correct and acceptable: it is still used in governmental documents as correct.

Anyway, the whole thing can get really confusing. When is it correct and when is it insulting? The word N--- was perfectly acceptable during the early years of this country (Remember reading some of the stories by Mark Twain?)

I am still confused about what word to use. I think we all are. Does it really matter what words are used as long as we treat each other with respect.

Words and the meaning of words change as the generations pass. The implied meaning may not be what was intended. I sincerely hope that no one has been offended.

Happy Fourth of July: we are all Americans.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now it looks like the democrats are digging up this rotting corpse (not corps Barry) for further flogging.
I am still confused about what word to use. I think we all are. Does it really matter what words are used as long as we treat each other with respect.

Words and the meaning of words change as the generations pass. The implied meaning may not be what was intended. I sincerely hope that no one has been offended.

Happy Fourth of July: we are all Americans.

JR Originally Posted by JRLawrence
I know of a couple of places where you can go and they'll clear that confusion up for you pretty quickly...
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
It's so sad that one looks at another's farthers but don't look at their own how many of you guys granddads were kkk dose that make you bad is it in your genes because your dad or dads dad was a asshole does that make you one.