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'Twas the Night Before Christmas
'Twas The Night Before Christmas: Dancer's Version written by Jackie

Twas the night before Christmas , and all through the house
The club was on fire, but not ready to douse!
The stockings were draped over legs fixed with nair
While rumors that "Jackie" soon would be there.......


The Adults were nestled with their warm mix of Brandy
while gogo girls danced around the club as eye candy
The gals with no tops on, the guys with their taps
were getting their groove on, the gals doing laps.

When out of the speakers arose such a clatter
The mirrors were bouncing so hard they might shatter!
A Mistress for Christmas was playing out loud,
And the words and the beat best suited this crowd!

The lights on the dancer's bodies high and low,
made the men shift in their seats as they grew down below!
When what to their admiring eyes did appear,
but a dancer in a red Christmas outfit for cheer!

With dance moves and smiles so lively and quick,
And pole moves that made me think they were tricks!
Closer to the limelight the men did approach,
Yet not close enough, the stage to encroach.

"Now Lap Dance"
"Now Couch Dance"
"On Ladies"
"On Men"
"To the bar!
"To the lounge"
"Ladies, dance all you can!"
"Now get the gals now, get them while they're hot"
"Get yourself a lapdance! Give them a shot!"

As the lights grew wild and the music grew louder,
Those dancers had their routines down,
You couldn't tell if they powdered!

And then from the DJ booth came the announcement quite calm,
"Welcome Jackie to our stage, she is on the dot com."
So the crowd near the stage turned their heads to see,
The dancer in the Santa Suit! Who called herself Jackie!

She was dressed in a red snowflake skirt and a bikini top red trimmed
with fur,
Her white high heeled boots and dolly socks just made her presence
The santa hat was much too large and sat atop her long blonde hair,
Her ass while walking by me screamed pat me if you dare!

Her eyes were blue and flirting,
Her cheeks flush from dancing on stage,
Her lips were lush and looked so soft!
You couldn't tell her age...

Her thigh was laced with a faux fur garter,
That made all the men, plainly said, get much harder!
She had a good body and very nice nipples,
And they shook without command when she wiggled!

She was 5foot 3 inches, One-thirty-five pounds.
And she made me believe in multiple rounds!
The smile on her face and the toss of her hair,
soon led me to wonder if she shaved herself bare!

She spoke not a word during the first song of her set.
And I swear that I pictured her in a 69 Corvette!
Bending here, twirling there, professionally tucking her dollars,
Evidently she liked it and had become quite the scholar!

She twirled round the pole with her legs in the air,
Then down on her knees for a floorshow with flair!
Her chest pumping heavy from the twenty minute set
Made me realize how a woman could cause a man debt!
With a warm simple smile, and a sparkle in her eyes,
She headed for the dressing room, saying "Merry Christmas, Guys!"

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A nice relaxing #2 was relieved by a discriminating gent, his jolly bowels partook in a loose bread bowl dip. The lactose was warm and cramped up in his innards until the incall latrine offered its luxurious amenities. Corn passed screening and positive reviews encouraged more fellas to celebrate and cheer with intestinal acceptance. Whew