weird encounter at mulan today

meant for spas, not studios sorry guys

sometimes this shit you just cant make up. I went to Mulan today against my better judgement ( not going back again, ever after today). As I entered the place, there was some big dude Arguing with the main lady there that he only got 30 minutes, but was charged for an hour. I think the difference is $15.

Please tell me that this dude is not one of you guys. Totally inappropriate. The lady I saw used a chinese to english voice program to tell me what was going on. Said she was worried that he wouldn't leave unless they just gave him what he wanted .

To top things off, this new girl beat me up pretty bad in the massage so when it came time to flip, I was sweating from getting my ass kicked and just wanted to get out of there. I felt really pressured to release after mr. cheap ass put everyone in a sour mood so I didnt push too many extras
Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 12-12-2018, 07:30 PM
If he paid for an hour, he should have gotten an hour.

If they cut him short at 30 minutes, they should have refunded him the difference.

Not sure why there would be an argument.
Torito's Avatar
If he paid for an hour, he should have gotten an hour.

If they cut him short at 30 minutes, they should have refunded him the difference.

Not sure why there would be an argument. Originally Posted by Groot
I agree, if that's what happened. Since I wasn't there I don't really know what actually took place.
Where the hell is Mulan?
FattyMcGee's Avatar
The Colony up 423 south of Lebanon Rd.
who the hell fights with someone over $15? you think you are going to get L1 , NE and SE next time you come back? "hey its the fat guy who fucking argued over $15". You guys are seriously that cheap? wow maybe its just me then
Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 12-13-2018, 09:49 AM
Maybe he was there just for a massage. As it was pointed out, we don't know the whole story.

It is becoming more routine to short on time and upsell on tips. I don't think that is right regardless of the services provided. And when guys like you let them think it is ok then they'll do it to everyone.

I can't believe how you horny chumps will love the girls who only love your wallet.
Last Ride's Avatar
Groot - I agree with your comments.

I have had a lady argue over $5 more on a tip. I have not returned to that location.