Rasmussen says:

I B Hankering's Avatar
On 11 December 2018, Rasmussen reported that President Trump garnered a 49% approval among likely U.S. voters, while the same percentage, 49%, disapprove of him.

Rasmussen reports that Odumbo, at this point in his presidency on 11 December 2010, earned only a 46% approval while 53% disapproved.



(Rasmussen Trump & Rasmussen Odumbo)
If the MSM would fawn over him like they did over Obama, he'd be at 65%
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Good thing there is a poll like rassmussen for you to post. It proves, according to a poll only using land lines, that a trump facing possible indictment is disliked (by an amount easily inside the margin of error) less by older and more rural possible voters than a black guy.

Thanks. I didn't know that.
I figure a realistic poll number for President Trump is around 41%.

However, after he handed Nancy and Chuckie their asses yesterday in the Whitehouse, It just might top 50.

He got ole Nancy to say, (to paraphrase), "yes, I want to be totally transparent, could you please get the cameras out of here".

Chuckie Schumer looked like he definetally wanted to be somewhere else. President Trump handed him a big shit sandwich and said, "take a bite".
bamscram's Avatar
I figure a realistic poll number for President Trump is around 41%.

However, after he handed Nancy and Chuckie their asses yesterday in the Whitehouse, It just might top 50.

He got ole Nancy to say, (to paraphrase), "yes, I want to be totally transparent, could you please get the cameras out of here".

Chuckie Schumer looked like he definetally wanted to be somewhere else. President Trump handed him a big shit sandwich and said, "take a bite". Originally Posted by Jackie S

It was more like three fools bickering. One fool wanting to take his toy and go home if he dosen't get hs way.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
You could tell Trump was enjoying it. I thought the whole thing was funny.

Lets have more of it.
Trump thrives on chaos.

Rasmussen's poll indicates American's appreciate a battler who can handle chaos, as does Tom Peters, who wrote the original book about how great companies handle adversity and overtake their competitors.
there's reasons for trump's approval being higher than obama's

a myriad of reasons

and if the past is prologue, it will continue to be higher

and with a fair press, it would be even higher
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Rasmussen is a comfort poll.

But like I said.

Your comfort comes from a number well within the margin of error for the survey.

On a subject that means nothing to current events.

The grip on trump's nuts is getting tighter.

How long does the poll give him before he falls below 40 on rasmussen?
  • Tiny
  • 12-12-2018, 03:57 PM
It was more like three fools bickering. One fool wanting to take his toy and go home if he dosen't get hs way. Originally Posted by bamscram
Yes, God help us if those three were totally in charge.
themystic's Avatar
On 11 December 2018, Rasmussen reported that President Trump garnered a 49% approval among likely U.S. voters, while the same percentage, 49%, disapprove of him.

Rasmussen reports that Odumbo, at this point in his presidency on 11 December 2010, earned only a 46% approval while 53% disapproved.



(Rasmussen Trump & Rasmussen Odumbo)
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Is Obama running for President?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Damn. I can't find the article that showed how well each of the polling companies did in the 2018 mid-term elections predicting the Generic Congressional Ballot. Rasmussen had the Republicans ahead by 1% on November 5th, with a 2% margin of error. If I remember the article correctly, there were 32 polling companies that predicted the 2018 mid-term elections. Rasmussen finished dead last in accuracy. FiveThirtyEight gives Rasmussen a grade of C+ as far as their accuracy over the years, with only one other polling company getting a lower grade. Rasmussen has consistently shown a Republican bias in their polling techniques, which may be a reason why they were so accurate in 2016 and other pollsters were off.

Here is data from right before the election showing how poorly Rasmussen did compared to other companies. I think the final election day results were Democrats by 7-8 points.

I B Hankering's Avatar
Highlighting how Trump is polling better than Odumbo did at this point in their respective presidencies, is just pouring salt in the open wound of hildebeest's minions.

themystic's Avatar
Highlighting how Trump is polling better than Odumbo did at this point in their respective presidencies, is just pouring salt in the open wound of hildebeest's minions.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You do love you some Hillary dont you IB. I still cant believe you think shes sexy. WALDT
I B Hankering's Avatar
You do love you some Hillary dont you IB. I still cant believe you think shes sexy. WALDT Originally Posted by themystic

If and when hildebbest ever goes away, there's still Sheila Jackson Lee, Mad Maxine, Faucahontas and now Ocasio left to ridicule. Meanwhile, Odumbo minions can enjoy knowing that Trump is doing better in the polls than Odumbo was doing at this point in his presidency.