Donors Wanted Something New here ... for the Ladies & Gents

Is there any ladies that have retired and moved on to other real world jobs, that need just a little bit of help here and there, to make sure that ends meet!!! with out having to turn back to providing again!

I want to start a website that caters to retired providers, that meet certain requirements, that need help from time to time!!

Where we would take donations, from donors, and help these ladies, when funds are available!!

If we could get just 10-20 bucks a month from each eccie member, we would be able to help these lasies so much!! To keep their heads above water, with out sinking back into the business!!

There would be cetain requirements they would have to meet to be able to recieve help from this program, like on there job 3 months or longer(with a real company), been out of the business 3 months or longer, have children to take care of, ect..... guys feel free to ad on to the conditions, if you like, because we are open to all ideas, we will NOT give out cash only checks paid to their landlord, utility company, day care ect ... will will only help with main bills !! NOT cable/internet/cell phone ect... We also can help with school uniforms when school starts back ect ... an maybe do a toy drive around Christmas ect...

I am going to start working on the web site pretty soon, and we will collect donations for 1-2 months, before we start helping any ladies, and you must have all your paper work together, depending on how many donations we get, will will only accept 5 ladies a month!! and you can only get help, once every 6 months!! until we get more funding to help more ladies, we will be hoping to help atleast 5 a month!!

If there is anyone who would like to help out, with this project, and help some of our ladies here in Dallas PLEASE send me a PM!!

Thanks Heather!!

Also looking for a VERY honest person to handle the money, and get the checks made out to the right companies, for the ladies!!
well Heather what's wrong with being in the business???
Guest021213's Avatar
Humm ... sounds like you're going to have to start a non-profit organization
There is help!!! When your ready!!
Humm ... sounds like you're going to have to start a non-profit organization Originally Posted by HardWired

YES it will be and I do have a few people backing me, So I hope it turns out good!!! We need all the support and ideas we can get to make it work for the best reasons!!! Thanks!
well Heather what's wrong with being in the business??? Originally Posted by Jackie Dallas

Nothing at all, if that's what you want to do, some of us do it because we have to, not because we want to.... and alot feel that there is NO way out ...BUT THERE IS!! and when that little light bulb comes on, and its your time to get out you will know it!!! Its a feeling that only you will kknow, when your ready!!
We talked a bit about this in chat this morning. I think its a good idea but with this you also have to think hard about who you are helping. How will you prove they are no longer in the bussiness? Im not trying to shoot down your ideas at all and i thinks its awsome that you want to help ladies.
I dont run ads for the most part but i do still see folks. I guess my concern would be helping somebody who is still in the bussiness just who is not running ads even if they have taken all there info down if they dont change phone #s then they could still be working. I dont know i hope it all works out for you.
Guest021213's Avatar
If you create the non profit, you will have to write down the set of rules that will govern the organization and who and how much you will help each individual... it would have to be a decision taken by the board of directors under the adopted rules within the bylaws
The government supervises very closely who you help since the non profits in most cases are tax exempt 501(c)(3),00.html

YES it will be and I do have a few people backing me, So I hope it turns out good!!! We need all the support and ideas we can get to make it work for the best reasons!!! Thanks! Originally Posted by HEATHERTHEMILF
You are right Kaci it will be hard to tell But if they are working FULL time and do NOT have ads posted, that is fine, its going to be hard to weed that out because ladies do have regulars !! So all we can do is offer the help, there is no real way to tell, But there number will be checked on and their jobs will be called ect.... Its NOT just a hand out, its real help when really needed!! so they do not have to go back to seeing clients!! ITS HARD I am still working on it myself with a JOB, and I am barely making ends meet!!! But like I said we can only do so much to weed out the ones who are looking for a free hand out!!! We have some guys on here that really know how to find out info. on alot of things!!!! We have to stick together on this!! I have other programs I can refer them to, and if they can make it through that one then I know the are really working on changing!!
So yea its a hard one to call!!!! Thanks Kaci TTYL honey!!

We talked a bit about this in chat this morning. I think its a good idea but with this you also have to think hard about who you are helping. How will you prove they are no longer in the bussiness? Im not trying to shoot down your ideas at all and i thinks its awsome that you want to help ladies.
I dont run ads for the most part but i do still see folks. I guess my concern would be helping somebody who is still in the bussiness just who is not running ads even if they have taken all there info down if they dont change phone #s then they could still be working. I dont know i hope it all works out for you. Originally Posted by Kaci Snow
Heatherthemilf i think you have a great ideal to help ladies and maybe check into some non profit ideals and funding available to make it happen for ladies. I had read a thread on another post you had started awhile back and i know nothing about it but from a friend that has been attending and she is so frustrated with that group. It seems to her no one will tell you anything and she has been going for weeks and weeks and no info when trying to get answers. She asked how was she going to make rent this month and they told her just have to be late but they do not want her to go back in the business. That is what they were for., but they seem to force ladies that want out back in to it with the no help they say they do and do nothing i have heard. Seems like this place needs to let the ladies know up front they can not take on new ladies at this time and be real, not just keep leading them on to come to church every week. What is your opinion of it? DId not mean to take away from this post but i hope you can get something that works too.
Heatherthemilf i think you have a great ideal to help ladies and maybe check into some non profit ideals and funding available to make it happen for ladies. I had read a thread on another post you had started awhile back and i know nothing about it but from a friend that has been attending and she is so frustrated with that group. It seems to her no one will tell you anything and she has been going for weeks and weeks and no info when trying to get answers. She asked how was she going to make rent this month and they told her just have to be late but they do not want her to go back in the business. That is what they were for., but they seem to force ladies that want out back in to it with the no help they say they do and do nothing i have heard. Seems like this place needs to let the ladies know up front they can not take on new ladies at this time and be real, not just keep leading them on to come to church every week. What is your opinion of it? DId not mean to take away from this post but i hope you can get something that works too. Originally Posted by TXGENT

YES this is so true, I myself am going through this same problem, probly with the same group, and I do NOT understand it because they say that funding is LOW, I know for a fact, they just recieved $250.000.00 from a luncheon the held, a month ago, to raise funds, for the ladies, Where is this funding going, NOT to the ladies, There are ladies there that have been in this program for 2-3 months and still live in a shelter with no help, they have NO job leads to help us, and it drives me NUTS to think, they get so much money in, they just had another fund raiser, a week ago and made another $10.000.00 and I had a friend that went in to talk to her counsler, and she seen many checks coming in for donations from $50-$5000 dollars... One of my friends there has stopped working over 7 weeks ago and they are now telling her, NOT to go back to working, But they can NOT even pay half her rent which in only $250.00 ... There is about 50 ladies that attend this group, so even if they gave each lady $1500.00 to pay their bills THAT'S only $75.000.00 .... they have plenty left, and money is coming in daily!! I do NOT understand!! My BILLS are so past due and I am due for an eviction here in 3 days, and they will NOT tell me anything, about helping me .. So I am back to work, I cant be with out I have kids to care for!!! Like many of the other ladies there do to... I want to get out of the business, BUT this program is very misleading to me, there has to be a better way!!! WE need to get together and help each other, Put together a better program!!! That is based on our experiences in this business and help all ladies!! My bills only total $1000.00 a month, & I can NOT even get that after doing everything they have told me to do!! I want a real program that works!!! I could see if its been 3 months and I still do NOT have a job and I am NOT trying to move forward, But alot of the ladies are, and they are not HELPING US... I Just dont know, what to do!! But there is a way!! I Need help finding it!! PLEASE PEOPLE SEND IDEAS..... THANKS FOR YOUR TIME!! and thanks to all of you who really care to even speak on this!!!
It has nothing to do with this thread
I just wanted to share it!!!

I dont belong to your affluent society
nor do I live at your mercy
A victim of social circumstances
You sell your art and I bank on my flesh

no body likes to be called by my name
for I am not a part of your fame..
yet you will sleep with me at night
smelling my flesh gives u delight!

dont you throw away your pounds
instead get some bones for your hounds!
I spit on the way this society refute
for no body is a born prostitute!

Hey Ladies its Heather, I have started working on my new program, That will help ladies that are ready to completely retire!!

It is on a personal basis depending on the ladies situation
We will only be accepting 3 ladies to start with, we will
start August 1st 2011

So if you are interested in getting some help, getting out of the business
Please send me a message and tell me about your plans, and what you want to do, And why this program would be good for you,

We have started taking donations, and we need to do so all month long,
before we will be able to help anyone!!

We will only be helping with Rent & utilities, so you can get on your feet, and make the change you need to, so you can better yourself and your

As the program grows we will be helping more ladies!! But as of now we
are going to take the most needed 3 ladies, I am NOT alone in this
I have a few members here, (4) that will be reading what you e-mail, So
we will be voting, Your name/eccie handle WILL NOT be passed on to them!! So we will NOT be doing any favorites here either, YOU will be unknow to the other 4 members!!

We are NOT going to post what we expect, We will know it when we see it!! So please just be honest and really ready to let go of the business!!

All donations go into an account, that is handled by myself and a eccie member that wants to stay in the dark!!! You will be issued a check, for your bills, NO ONE will be given cash!!

You can make donations, even $10 helps, it will all add up!!

We also are going to start having group meetings once a week and serving a small dinner for the ladies Starting in Sept. We have a location, we are just waiting to get the ok to use the space, we should know in a week or so!

Anyone can attend the group, We will share and exchange all kinds of information, on job leads, bad experiences, changes we want to make ect... Just helping each other is what it is all about!!!

As we grow we will take more ladies, BUT we will NOT accept more than we can help!!

Thanks for your time!!

I start working my full time job next Monday!!
With the help of another friend, who has been out of the business
for a full 6 months now!! I'm so happy and I want to help more ladies!
berkleigh's Avatar
Great Job & Program Heather!

I hope you are able in helping some ladies out.
I would like to "challenge" every guy to pledge the cost equivalent of one session with their ATF. We can find the $$$$ somewhere. If all fellow hobbyists come through, Heather will be off to an amazing start.