What does a provider gain by not showing up?

  • RK2
  • 01-01-2019, 04:12 PM
Over the last couple months I have had various providers "agree" to meet only to have the time come and go and they not show up. Attempting to contact them again by phone yields no answer and text are unanswered as well. In one instance a "provider" responded back hours later and acted as if we never spoke. What if anything would they gain by saying they will show up and then not even respond? Maybe they get their kicks by playing fuck you games? Hell, be a bug girl and just say no thanks, or maybe next time, or not right now. I just don't get it?????
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I always saw it as she had a better deal... but she kept you in the mix long enough to see the other came through. Honestly if it’s to that point your fucked anyway and it’s time to move on. I agree I wish people would be up front and say hey my dance card is full today. maybe we could get together another time ? Instead we twist the truth, play games or things are not clearified therefore causing confusion and hard feelings. That’s just my .02.
  • RK2
  • 01-01-2019, 04:45 PM
I agree, just be more honest. It seems in this day and age with technology and information sharing the word would travel that the provider is a fraud and people would stop contacting them and business goes bye bye.
totally correct they over book to assure they get some guys. I have been there with them when someone else is thinking it is their time. It is a fucking shame and should not happen but they are whores my friend. All about the money and what they can make.
Guys will continue to contact them as the pussy always wins. lol
drinkindreamin's Avatar
You also have to figure in other clients and what terms they’ve brought to the table. For instance a guy that sees her every week compared to somebody that’s seeing her once a month. As Harley said it’s a cash game who ever has the most wins. As John Goodman said in the “Gambler” that’s called the “Fuck You level” . We’ve all been there.. best way to get over one is to get on top of another.
TexTushHog's Avatar
None of which excuses the failure to call and let you know. Or better yet, call and reschedule. But the providers who have that kind of foresight and professionalism are few and far between. And they don’t linger at the lower end if the hobby for long. They move up or move on. Women who treat this as a serious service business and are seriously service or hospitality oriented are as scarece as hen’s teeth.
Iike you said they are JUST whores.... not mother’s , students, companionships providers ... however I guess who thinks of the women they see as just whores are more likely to be blown off... or not want to be seen again cause they are arrogant and think this is a numbers game!! They show up to appointments drunk pushy. Stinky bragging about thier 300 plus reviews and unnecessarily rough... then asked to leave... but hell what should I know... I’m juat a whore!!