A Travel Girlfriend

Who is interested in traveling with me?? I am Independent and want a girl to do doubles/ singles/ tavel with me!!!!

I love what I do and the girl must be well reviewed and interested in girls too!!! NO DRAMA, NO GUYS please. thanks!!!

I am from the Little Rock, Arkansas area. Check me out!!!
Ladies u should. she even has quite an immense fan club in arkansas. and from what I hear is an awesome person to be around. just my 2 cents. I was browseing the nearest states. and saw the FAMOUS Mrs Dreams had a post here. so I thought i would check it out. but dont take my word for it, look on our boards to see for urself.
Mature Companion's Avatar
Miss Dreams,
You might garner more feedback from ladies if you were to post this in the main
provider forum. Therefore if question you or they might need to ask. They could
be asked in private; amongst the ladies.
Whomever you choose to travel with. Make sure that person is not only well known. But that they also screen & screen well. You don't need a travel companion who could potentially jeopardize your safety.