worlds longest bridge

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

the chinese sure know how to build something big.

the article references a much bigger bridge that is about 102 miles long
PAPA JOE's Avatar
Kool !
it only took 4 yrs to build, that's amazing !
DallasRain's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
we built them faster back in the old days before environmental studies got in the way.

Pontchartrain bridge - 1st span - may 1955 - august 1956 (1.3 yrs)
2nd span - september 1967 - may 1969 (2.7 yrs)
True Dilbert but this one is high tech, much longer spans, wind and seas to deal with. Been in the biz for many moons and have seen the engineering lean toward building monuments rather than concentrating on function and cost. Gramercy bridge was "old school" and took 7+ years for river portion (with one year delay for barge tow accident).