Back to silent mode except for my encounter reports
I made a decision just now that I really don't like but its really the only one I can personally accept and remain here in any fashion. From this point on I am in read only mode except for PM's which I will still answer, This comes after I read over most of the rules of the road again, most of which make very good sense and no gray areas for discussion or dispute, However there are one or two that flat out make no sense to me and are broad enough to cause unintentional violations based on an opinion drawn by someone else. I am also considering what I consider a sledge hammer approach used to correct the situation I encountered today. I am best served by silence in the public areas of the group since its not in my nature to tiptoe around certain subjects and I call things as I see them when in a front row seat....Everyone stay safe and have fun.....
Could have kept that to yourself
Wow what the heck, did I miss something? EdThomastoo I'm not sure what happened to make you feel this way, no one should ever feel they need to be silenced. Here is my suggestion. Instead of going silent, why don't you make a thread about the one or two rules that don't make sense to you. Then we can all read and discuss them. I'm sure if they don't make sense to you and are that broad, then others may feel the same way. Then perhaps we can all have clarity and understand them and why they are there. This board will only be as good as it's members will allow it to be. Instead of letting something you don't understand silence you, you should seek clarity.
Agree with the ladies. Stay positive and stay in the community.
I doubt any of us like ALL of the rules, but they do exist for our mutual safety and protection. I don't think a separate thread civilly discussing one or more particular rules would be out of line, as long as we all do stay civil and avoid personalities. We might learn from each other's perspective, even if the rule remains in place. Just a thought . . .
Reviews are this sites Holy Grail. I look forward to reading everyone's future reports.