Upset, you have won my heart. Every single one of you. Guys, Girls, Mods, all of you! Even those who go out of your way to be difficult hold a spot in my tender heart.
Some of you know a little about me from reading my bio listed in my sig line. If you can;t view it - - -
So, you may know that I am all about academics, etc. One of my big things is positive reinforcement. So, I have a deal for you. I promise to stick around as long as people play nice.
I am a voracious reader, and I have a good idea of the history around here and the players. But I'm about fresh starts.
Complaints and speculation about Eccie's demise do nothing to further ANYTHING but paranoia. Bickering, blah, just annoying.
Cunty comments, calling people liars, true or not...again...ugh, it just gets OLD.
Let's concentrate on boobs (I made a bio page, so OSD isn't the only lucky one), fun stuff, friendliness to visitors, etc.
Girls are SCARED to visit. Is that what you want? I don't think so!