Encounter: Tiny @ NYNY

Date: Early January
Name: Tiny
Address and Phone: New York, New York - 2555 Walnut Hill Ln. #110 Phone: (972) 729-0921
Address: -
Phone: -
City: Dallas
State: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: Bbbj. 69. MPCFS
Hair Length and Color: Black worn up
Age: 30s maybe 40s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: Pretty face. Large breasts. Milfy
Recommendation: Yes
Is your review before she left town?..
I thought she left right before christmas
Hank3fan's Avatar
It was definitely before Christmas. I saw her on her last day before she packed up and I think it was two or three days before the holiday.
texasred21's Avatar
Is she coming back anytime soon ?
BluesMan's Avatar
I saw her right before she left also. She said she would be back around the 1st of February.