Conservative with Fantasy massage request

Not something I do often but I have a fantasy massage request

Basic Gist:
Some simple role play with massage
Slightly goofy , spacey, New Agey yoga female hippie
Talks about chackras, energy, etc

Basic massage with Silly lines, It is hot in here might if I take my top off, or I do not want to get oil on clothing

Her New agey massage consist of aligning chackra (with body to body) (of course that works better without clothing)

She wants to help "release energy blocks"

That is basic gists
Happy to give more details
Please do expect to trade a few emails
Also no real rush to set up
Look up Sherri. I think that's her M.O. already.
I'm in a great position to help. Waterfall, rock warmer, mood lamp, and a shiatsu pillow, plus 40Ds and I ain't afraid to use 'em
NOt the response I had hoped for
Well, send the request to the person you hoped would respond. That is pretty ingracious
Well, send the request to the person you hoped would respond. That is pretty ingracious Originally Posted by Kinder Caress
I get the sense, Kinder, that this guy expected EVERY Kansas City provider to come running at his little ISO request... his follow-up comment wasn’t directed, I don’t believe, at any one lady’s response.

Mr Piano Man (hey Candice, wasn’t that Billy Joel?!?) made a similar “where the hell are all my women” comment on his makeout ISO thread previously.

As Kinder does accurately suggest, though, Mr Joel, you have enough reviews and therefore enough sense to seek whoever it is you are looking for on your own, through research... waiting for your Uptown Girl to flock to you may be... time consuming. Good luck, though, in your quest, sir.
his follow-up comment wasn’t directed, I don’t believe, at any one lady’s response--But it kinda read that way to me too, tho.

Mr Piano Man (hey Candice, wasn’t that Billy Joel?!?--yes, AKA The One that Got Away) made a similar “where the hell are all my women” comment on his makeout ISO thread previously. Same guy now tweaking his ISO, which is his complete prerogative. You boys change your minds more than women change their shoes!

waiting for your unicorn to flock to you may be... time consuming. Good luck, though, in your quest, sir. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
We think a lot alike. The weirdo in me recognizes the weirdo in you.

And now back on topic.

OP, I believe MacyGray might be someone who fits your latest ISO. Good luck.