Hmm curious as to what time?

If ya'll fellas get the chance when are the best time frames you'd like to see a lady?
PaganGuy's Avatar
Weekend mornings/afternoons are best for me lately.. though usually it's been early mornings or late afternoons 'on the way home from work', though I tend to have to plan ahead for that to make sure everything works out correctly. Wish I could play at night like a 'normal' person...
That's always been a myth to me that the night is the time to play. I'm a daytime gal myself plus I like the sun. In the evening is okay but into the night only if its an overnight with a fella whom is fun too. Anytime I've ever dealt with creeps is during the late night.
WetVelvetSAT's Avatar

The new game plan is be up at 8am get dressed and wait...... and don't forget you have nothing else to do in life but wait on that man to call you....of course, they pay your rent right..ahehehehheheh!

P.S. Don't complain, btw...aheheheheh

Weekend mornings for sure. The occasional week day lunch break or after work meetings are doable with Pre planning.