reviews that never made it to showcase
I recently noticed that 3 reviews I have written never made into providers showcase. Whole lotta Mya Love - Mya Love,perfect strangers- Victoria Perfect, and Amber on backpage-Kimmy512. The last one I understand because when I wrote it I didn't know she was an eccie provider. These girls don't have very many reviews. Any way to rectify the situation?
PM a link to the reviews to any of the local Moderators and we can manually link them to the correct provider.
- ztonk
- 07-07-2011, 07:14 PM
I fixed the assignment of the Kimmy512 review. The other two you cited appear to be correctly assigned at this point. PM us if that isn't the case.
- ztonk
- 07-07-2011, 09:22 PM
They've been fixed.