What if? 😅👌👈

Secret Encounters's Avatar
What if ???
Atx2016's Avatar
And if a guy’s junk would howl... I’d sound like a
Pack of coyotes 24/7
Merry Minx's Avatar

It sounds like we’d need a food bank of cock at our disposal, lol.

BluesTex's Avatar
I'd weigh alot more.
Secret Encounters's Avatar
MunkyCrank .. Lmfao omg im dying here of laughter..
James T Kirk's Avatar
Breaking news concerning coochie growling when in heat!!!! Miracle ear stocks have skyrocketed! Holiday sin notels have made all first floor rooms available at a hourly rate. Not to be out done Milton notels have partnered with IHOP, adding them to all of there downtown locations nationwide. The new campaign slogan is "satisfying one hungry growl at a time, she is not herself when she is HORNGERY" Snickers is set to sue.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
my kitty purrs when she need's to eat .