Beat vagina of the year???

Who actually makes the final decision on if someone is voted best vagina of the year??? Just wondering!! I have my thoughts on who I would vote for!! Xoxoxo
Just a normal guy's Avatar
Ronald Jeremy Hyatt, better known by the stage name Ron Jeremy, or "The Hedgehog"
It seems to me you would actually have to taste them to be qualified to vote. So the winner is.....
I think I need to experience all of them in 2019 before I vote. Had most of what is available here but I am sure I am missing some and looking forward to the experience and voting. Actually I have only had one bad one in my hobby life but it has stuck with me.
Happy hunting and voting.
The best one is always the ‘next’ one. Jus sayin.
Going to have to disagree for myself it's last one for about two hours then it starts to wear off after all the swelling goes down.
Pharmaguy729's Avatar
I would love to know the criteria for this ... size? tightness? wetness? looks? if so, would love to be a judge
Great ? But it's all in eyes of the beholder.
34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
I'm just going to throw this out here as I've seen a few vagina's (not as many as some of you hobbiest) IMO the pretty ones that remain nicely folded with just a perky hint of pink peeking out. If it looks like hamburger and I can't find the spot through the folds n rolls um nope.
Bonus points for taste and fresh smell.
MuffinMan's Avatar
Whitney, you crack me up! I've always referred to the type you described as the Clam, but I'll never order a hamburger at the drive thru without laughing and thinking of you!
Is that me Harley?
It’s me.... and you and a few other qualify... no pocket pussy needed!! Stay right stay tight !!
I’ll vouch for WW. In the running for sure.
‘Appreciative Pussy’ wins me over. You know the ones that appreciate the effort? And express it during the deed?
Nothing better than a nice response when the old Cowboy ‘mounts up’. You know, when that first penetration happens and she ‘mo-ans’ Like ‘damn that dick feels good inside me!’
Always rode better when you can hear the crowd getting excited and appreciating your effort, skill and style.
Come on now ladies. A bit of encouragement goes a long way in making a good encounter a really great experience!
I know it ain’t much, but it’s all I got, your welcome to the whole enchilada and I’ll give it hell when you ‘appreciate’ the effort.
So, the ‘best vagina’ goes to the best moaner, talker and expressor of an ‘appreciative pussy’.
My favorite two words will always be ... ‘Fuck me’ in any context.
(Please, fuck me; Fuck me now; fuck me harder; fuck me again, so, you wanna fuck me?, do you really want to fuck me? pretty much any use works for me.)
A woman’s sexiest attribute is her attitude expressed both verbally and nonverbally.
Ats jus me
And yes WW is good at verbal communication like. ‘Come over here and fuck me’ extending the invitation. And once she is nekkid in my bed, with those BOT And her gorgeous pussy all bets are off! Time to ‘Cowboyup’ and ride!
I like others love all pussy. What I miss most is the ones that sport a bush which reminds me of high school. Some are prettier than others, some are wetter than others, but what sets them apart is the person that owns the pussy and knows when to flash it, stripper slide it, and put it in your face. A good attitude and showing you want to take care of the guy always makes pussy better.
The one bad I had was in high school the the smell made my eyes water and stuck with me for a week. That is something you never forget.
And yes Blair I have heard yours is very pretty and quite entertaining.