Just because you see women walking down a street, doesn't make them prostitutes.
Just like Marriott hotel is assuming all women sitting alone at the bars in their hotels are call girls/escorts/hookers waiting for a customer and because they are call girls/escorts/hookers, they are also all trafficked.
Furthermore, not everyone is fortunate to own an internal combustion vehicle and those who don't own one, not all of them are fortunate to be able to afford a taxi or an Uber or a Lyft.
Some have to walk while others are fortunate to be able to afford to take DART.
But DART doesn't stop at every single yard of our streets. They have bus stops located at interval distances along the streets.
These women are just walking to the bus stops to catch the DART buses so they can go to their jobs.
This old guy doesn't like the folks who have the same equal free right to walk up and down the street as he has, he should move his fucking business to the Fucking Fuck Him Boon Docks and have Trailer Trash as his neighbors.