Sadly, my time has come to retire from this fantasy hobby.

Three things start to go when you get old. One is your memory……and I …..ahh….. forget the other two.

Sadly, my time has come to retire from this fantasy hobby. The writing has been on the wall for some time, but I suppose I have been in denial. Even with my new Tri-focal glasses…..I just can NOT see as well as I use to. I stopped driving at night years ago….now daytime driving is getting difficult.

The Alzheimer’s disease has gotten worse too. At first the meds helped…now I am not so sure. Plus….my cardiologist used to say that sex was good exercise…...he knows the Mrs. .….so I suppose he figured the sex could not have been THAT physical. When I told him about all the young 20, 30, 40 and 50 year old women I have been seeing… .. he about blew up! “What are you trying to do….KILL YOUR SELF?” Then he laughed and said. “But I guess that would be a great way to go.”

The hobby has been really good to me. I started way late in life….so if you are on the fence thinking about doing this….do NOT wait until you are old like me. I would like to thank a few people, sorry if I have left anyone out.

PromDate….I always appreciated all those PMs.

Gary Vee….loved those reviews and comments via PM.

John Rock…my hero…I always knew if he liked someone….I would like them too. LOL….I'm not sure John liked….or would have liked some of the more mature women that I saw but…. WALDT.

DennisRN, he always made sure that I saw things from another prospective. I learned more from him than he realizes. I knew if I ever needed sound advice I could count on him.

And Mokoa, he has a thankless job….but someone has to do it….and I am glad he does.

For all the fine ladies……too many to thank…but let me name a few that my Alzheimer’s brain still remembers.

Kennedy and LikkiNikki….the only two women that ever got me to pop twice in one hour….in the last 30 years or so. Damn…you guys are hot!

Heatherone…..if I was 40 years younger….I would have asked her to marry me! My heart about gave out every time I went to visit her. Once she almost dialed 911 because I looked so bad after going up all those steps. I finally wised up and just left an oxygen bottle at her place so I could use it as soon as I went through the door. LOL…..had to use it again after she used me up…just to get down the stairs and go home. She could make me hard even when I didn’t take the Cialis. Amazing!

Pepper….. I am always grateful that I saw you first. What a great introduction to the hobby. Thanks for telling me it is okay to be old in this hobby.

Goldie….thanks….we had a great time….thanks for making me laugh.

Sonya…so shy and innocent at first…then a love starved Tigress. You are the classiest young lady that I know. I’m surprised…and glad, you didn’t turn into some billionaire’s sugar baby. LOL…but traveling in a private jet and hanging around Monaco might have been fun….don’t you think?

Finally to both Sonya and Heather…..thanks for believing that I will see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am very grateful.

Back in the 60s, The Doors sang this song….it still haunts me…..

This is the end
Beautiful friend,
This is the end
My only friend the end,
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end,
I’ll never look into your eyes again….the end.

So until I…..” Break on Through to the Other Side”…..have a good one.

BYE! Buy! Bi, by
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
I am sad to see you go woody. I am thank full I got to meet you. Good luck and keep your head up. With a saddened heart I say good bye and leave you with xoxo
WC Good luck in the future and you had a great run.
What an awesome goodbye note to the hobby............I'm sad to see you go but I wish you the best
BBQ-Guy's Avatar
SO long was a hell of a ride.

And good luck breaking through that other side!

Damn sorry to see you leave Woody, but I do wish you the best.

Joe Buck's Avatar
Woody, hate to see you go, you take care.
Iworkout65's Avatar
Although I have never had the honor of meeting you, I have often read your many post and reviews and they had added often a smile and much knowledge in regard to the hobby. In reading a review you gain a little sense of the person who is writing it to some degree. So after reading your goodbye I feel it important to say goodbye and wishing you the very best as you continue on in this journey called life.

I believe the most difficult part of any friendship is when it's time to say goodbye, but in that the ability to call it on your own terms is powerful. We all if we had the power would like things to stay the way we want , however change is an inevitable part of life and father time is still undefeated.

Remember this Woody, all the mountains and valleys in the world cannot separate friends whose hearts and minds are as one. And I believe you have made many friends here. In closing I salute you as well with a poem and give you a well earned farewell salute.

The Drifter's Melody

© Megan R. Bokowski
The time soon comes for parting,
And our time is at an end,
The rest of your life is starting,
And we have no time at all to spend.

You knew one day you'd have to go,
But thought you'd have more time.
We can't reverse time's one-way flow,
But at least you'll have this rhyme.

You had your shining moments,
Upon this life's darkened stage,
And in my book of wonderments,
You'll never be just another page.

Like the exploding of a star,
You've changed me in and out,
Your light will travel with me far,
Past when all other lights go out.
cyranose69's Avatar
TAke care Woody. I too enjoyed your post and comments.
Gonna miss you old friend.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Never had the pleasure,but felt I knew you somewhat through your post,enjoyed your insight and humor. All the best to you sir.
Altbier's Avatar
Woody, sorry to see you go. Shit, so that's what I have to look forward to, huh? Disconcerting to say the least! But, you're going on your own terms. Good luck. We'll miss your contributions.
Old tigers, sensing the end, they're at their most fierce...and they go down fighting.
promdate's Avatar
Wood, well, so you think it's time to go! i beg to differ---dude you've got lots more trails to blaze. but alas the decision is yours! can't help smile when i think of some of the same doors we walked thru at separate times>>>watching Sara walk up that stairway to heaven, kennedy's crazy but funny little mutt, that mount everest climb to heathers palace of pleasure,plus many other fine ladies who saw old farts like us!! but i'll always think of you as a golden Phoenix, maybe- just maybe rising from the ashes!!! never say never! but whatever happens i wish you well & i'll miss bouncing thoughts of the wall with you! as they used to say during our days--"keep on truckin". take care my friend!
Champagne Brown's Avatar
So long my friend.
you enjoy hun and iam so sorry to see you go.

lots of licks and kisses to you babe