She couldn't be on P411.
As far as I am aware, P411 has not accepted any new members since April.
I could be wrong about that part but I haven't heard anything recently about P411 actually accepting new members, female or male or both.
I have recently heard they were thinking of opening up for new members again but again, as far as I know it hasn't happened yet.
She shouldn't claim to be on P411 when she is not.
And if she is really on there, why does she not post her P411 ID and why anyone who has an active P411 account can't find her?
Only way she can be on P411 is for someone who is already on it with a provider account that's still active to edit that account and change all the information on it including photos and bio and menu and
USER NAME and replace them with hers.
But I am sure on P411 it's just like here on Eccie, you can't change your user name without any assistance from the mods and you better have a good reason for wanting and needing to do so.
I don't know what the P411 rules are about that anyone allowing another person to take over their P411 account but I would surmise it will be against some set of rules regarding P411 user agreement and conduct and guidelines.
Eccie has rules regarding it and I am sure P411 also has similar rules:
#18 - Account security is of the utmost importance. You are responsible for your account and only your account. You are not to allow any other individual access to your account unless you have received prior approval from staff. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but must be approved prior to releasing access to another party.