Since I have way to much time on my hands, I went back and studied comments, old PMs, and things I have been told over the last year and now wonder if this is why my SBC playground has become a ghost town.
Just a year ago we had fun, we supported each other, and enjoyed time with each other and looked forward to more.
Now not a day goes by that a provider is smashing another provider or a client is running down another client to a provider.
Guys and ladies this is not what our hobby world and eccie is about. It is about sharing good information so we can enjoy each other and find things we enjoy and can plan with each other.
It was a close knit family just a short time ago now it is who can out who and try to ruin what we had.
I have always enjoyed a couple of ATF and enjoyed new talent and travelers coming through and now no ATF and travelers skeptical on wanting to visit our world.
Remember this, if someone tells you something that does not make it fact, it just means they have heard something or made up something to hurt you or someone else.
I am writing this to hopefully get people to think and rather than gossip treat others like you want to be treated and give the benefit of doubt to all.
Know this is not about me, I am writing this as in the last couple of days I have talked to several people that have had rumors and gossip targeted at them and shared their thoughts with me.
Anyone that knows me knows I am secure in who I am and what I am and do not give a flying fuck what others think because I am very happy with old Harley.
Just food for thought and can only hope that one day our hobby in SBC returns to a fun place to play.
Amen and well said .. we have so much drama and whenever I started this I couldn’t wait to see the next provider , I can remember looking at the the reviews first then going to who’s in town .. now all I do is look to see what kind of drama are we going to have.. can we all just fuck, have fun , and get along like it once was ???????????????
destinydevine's Avatar
I agree with you Harley. I actually was talking to LehaLea the other day about missing the way things used to be here and how much it has changed. 😔🥺
MuffinMan's Avatar
Well said, HD! This should be a hobby place. A place to come to share common views...not a place to argue and petty. If I had wanted drama and strife I would have gone into politics! Just my $0.02.
Cassmann's Avatar
Amen to that and everybody that replied. It's not like it was at all since the shutdown. Hopefully we can turn it around
Where have all the flowers gone...

34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
I have heard too much slander lately from both clients and providers. Which can be very damaging and affect the livelihood of some. I take everything with a grain of salt but one thing I do know is hobby is just that, a hobby not real world. I do try to keep it fun for when it becomes work I will quit. Please be kind to each other. If you feel for a moment that you would maybe not want someone to say that about you then why would you say it about someone else? We are all adults here so let's not be juvenile. Just because you heard it doesn't make it true.
danceman's Avatar
I have heard too much slander lately from both clients and providers. Which can be very damaging and affect the livelihood of some. I take everything with a grain of salt but one thing I do know is hobby is just that, a hobby not real world. I do try to keep it fun for when it becomes work I will quit. Please be kind to each other. If you feel for a moment that you would maybe not want someone to say that about you then why would you say it about someone else? We are all adults here so let's not be juvenile. Just because you heard it doesn't make it true. Originally Posted by 34E Whitney Weston

well said Whitney