good bye to a legend!

R.I.P. Luke perry!
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Moved to Correct Forum.

You should watch his 1997 movie "Last Breath" also renamed "Lifebreath". It's a mess. His wife has Cystic Fibrosis and needs a lung transplant. He searches to find a donor he can seduce and kill to obtain the lungs. It's a mental mind F at times. The ending leaves you empty and sad.
Moved to Correct Forum.

You should watch his 1997 movie "Last Breath" also renamed "Lifebreath". It's a mess. His wife has Cystic Fibrosis and needs a lung transplant. He searches to find a donor he can seduce and kill to obtain the lungs. It's a mental mind F at times. The ending leaves you empty and sad. Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
Thanks for spoiling the movie, ya' jerk!
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
I didn't spoil it. and welcome back.
My long lost buddy! Welcome back Slubbilicious.