Encounter: I started Game of Thrones Early-Danaerys Storm and Sharkman

sharkman29's Avatar
Date: 03/04/2019
Name: Danaerys Storm
User ID:: None
Phone: Gives later
Email Address: danaerysstorm@gmail.com
URL / Website: www.preferred411.com/P93349
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Northwest Freeway area
Activities: GFE, DFK, LFK, MPCFS, K9, SS, Finger banging, HJ, BBBJ
Hair Length and Color: Med Length Auburn
Age: 4x
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Tall, thin beauty. But nice plump ass and nice natural breasts. Long legs! Pretty face. Pics accurate on P411
Recommendation: Yes
She is a rock star alright and my ATF!
boardman's Avatar
Thanks for the reminder
Tiger407's Avatar
Good job Sharky
Interesting review.I had an 11:00 am appointment on Sunday with her ans she canceled because she was up till 2:00 am sick. Hmmmmm
Slitlikr's Avatar
Nice one!
Glad you finally got to see her.
One of the best.
She's a fun time and yes, O's multiple times during the screwing.
sharkman29's Avatar
She's a fun time and yes, O's multiple times during the screwing. Originally Posted by Curved65
Yes, she is as great as all the previous reviews. I plan to repeat.
bluesdj's Avatar
Nice Sharky, she's on my Favorites list on P411, probably kill me but sounds like I'd die a happy man!!
Wow...she left for a while. Glad to know she is back....one of the best ever for me.
sharkman29's Avatar
I really didn't know she had this many fans. I hadn't see a whole lot of reviews of her. I know Slit always said she was great!
I really didn't know she had this many fans. I hadn't see a whole lot of reviews of her. I know Slit always said she was great! Originally Posted by sharkman29
I was intrigued so I saw her. Had a great time but she is FAR from me, so I probably won't repeat, but who knows.