I know that both the men and the women have become very frustrated and disappointed with the STATE-OF-THE-HOBBY and relationships between men and women overall.
The root core of the problem that we have is that the women in western SOCIETY no longer have ANY RESPECT for the men at all - ZERO -NADA - ZILCH!
The women have OVER PLAYED there hand so the men now have reached a BREAKING POINT and are lashing out in various ways.
They are simply NOT GOING TO TAKE THE ABUSE anymore!
The SMART men have FINALLY figured out that the system is RIGGED and that society gives ZERO FUCKS about them.
A lot of them are unplugging from the MATRIX and simply going there own way.
That means NO RELATIONSHIPS WITH WOMEN. No girlfriends/No wives/No female friends/No contact with women at work.
That's were we are headed as a SICK and TOXIC society. And this GROUP of men is GROWING EXPONENTIALLY EVERY SINGLE DAY!
The hobby is missing some sort of a standard or code of conduct if you will.
So I wanted to offer an elegant solution that was simple and that we as a group could adopt.
I call it the PLEDGE of Respect.
Ladies if you want to use this image or similar wording in your advertising and you actually mean it your business would SKYROCKET.
Men if you treat the ladies with RESPECT and they RECIPROCATE then that is someone you should endorse and visit regularly.
By pledging to RESPECT yourself first than all others who RESPECT YOU we will ALL make our encounters much more successful and pleasant for all involved.