The importance of good health and fitness

Last August, I was at a low point mentally and physically in my life. The past 5 years were filled with much stress, including the loss of both parents, sibling bickering over the estate, downsizing at work placing much more work on my shoulders, and family/marriage issues. I had gained 50 lbs during this period, and a medical checkup showed I was borderline diabetic, borderline hypertensive, and my cholesterol was high. Also, my sexual libido was down and it was difficult if not impossible fo get an erection without using a high dose of Viagra. My doctors warned to do something now before it’s too late.

After a bit of soul searching, I embarked on a lifestyle change, making small changes to my diet at first and starting a very gentle exercise routine, slowly but surely working myself back into shape. At my dietary changes were mainly portion control, but later, changes included types of food, eliminating junk food, sugar, and unhealthy junk calories. Exercising was much stretching, walking 20 minutes, and very light work in the weight room. Once I felt comfortable, I increased the duration, number of sets or repetitions, and intensity of the exercise. Gradually I began to feel some changes and started feeling my stamina improving. The weight slowly started to come off, then losing at a greater rate. My flexibility returned, and my strength started to come back as well. After 7 months of hard work, I’ve lost 45 pounds, 8 inches off my waist, and now have a 52 inch chest, 19 1/2 inch arms, and a 39 inch waist. At 55 years old, I don’t like to lift heavy anymore as I’m becoming too brittle, but I did bench 375 lbs on a challenge (not bad, considering my max when I was playing college football was 425 lbs). I normally do a light to moderate weight and do 10-15 repetitions. My routine now is (morning) 30-40 minutes in the weight room (Monday = Chest, Tuesday = Biceps and Legs, Wednesday = Shoulders and abs, Thursday = Back, and Friday = Triceps and legs), 15 minutes stretching, and 15 minutes core/abdominal exercises., afternoon is 35-45 minutes power walking on the treadmill.

I log all my food on an app on my phone to count my calories and tract my nutrition. If you are wanting to lose weight, it will adjust the calories you should eat in order to achieve your weightless goal. For example, I you want to lose 2 lbs a week, it calculates the calories you should eat to maintain your weight and then adjusts that number for you weight loss. My calorie intake should be 3100, and it subtracts 800 for losing 2 lbs per week, so my new calorie intake target is 2300.

I also started taking some supplements. Along with whey protein before workouts and before I go to bed, I also take testosterone booster. It doesn’t contain testosterone, rather it contains substances that help stimulate the bodies natural ability to produce testosterone. I also take nitric oxide booster, which is a vasodialator (helps expand your blood vessels to help feed blood to your muscles. These 2 are very important to men, as blood flow is essential for erections and testosterone is essential for your sex drive. I am noticing increases sex drive, ability to get a good erection again without the use of “vitamin V”, and increased stamina in the bedroom.

For you men, especially if you are over 40 (I’m 55), you need to take care of yourself, as you physical health and sexual health are connected. Stay fit, eat healthy, and hit the gym regularly. Take a serious look at the supplements I mentioned. I get mine at, but you can get them at GNC, Amazon, etc. If you look down and can’t see your pecker, you need to do something about it (for you ladies, same thing, change pecker to pussy). For you ladies, your job and income producing ability are directly tied to your appearance and health. Eat health, exercise regularly, and work hard on maintaining a health lifestyle and appearance. As you age, weight management becomes increasingly important. Keep yourself healthy and fit so you can aid you income producing ability. There are other things in the arsenal to tackle ED and low libido. Don't just rely on the silver bullet (viagra and Cialis).

Last, make small changes and build on it. Stretch and do some light ab work after you wake up. Go do a 20-30 minute walk in the evening. If you have access to a gym use it. If not, you can do some bodyweight exercises help tone and condition your body. It’s easy to make excuses to not do something. You need to make use of the time you have.
tpepsi's Avatar
Very happy for you!
Exotic Yazmin DDD's Avatar
Congrats to you on your lifestyle changes!
Thanks Yazmin honey. I was a train wreak ready to happen. I could have been like Luke Perry. I feel much better and will keep at this lifestyle. Maybe I can give you jingle sometime and you can help me celebrate ;-)
robexar's Avatar
3 years ago my doctor put me on 4 medications. I decided to lose weight and over a year I lost 45 lbs. by stop eating like a pig and some exercise. After a 25 lb. weight loss, I was off 2 medications and after 45 lbs I was medication free.
I can now walk miles without breathing heavy but more importantly, pound away hard on my ATF and not cum because I am thinking what a good workout it is for my heart (lol). Yes, my secret for not cumming too quickly.
I am 59 and feel much better.
Your health is the most important thing!

Live long and Prosper!
I believe everybody goes through this at one point in time in their life. I mean, let's face it, we live in a 24-hour world now. And corporate america doesn't give a you-know-what about their employees; it's all about money now. It's kill or be killed. I've started some small changes myself a little over a month ago and am surprised at the results so far. The question is whether I can keep it up. The BIG thing I've noticed is sleeping better - and you can't beat that - and naturally more energy comes from that as well.

Anyway, cheers to you. We all know how tough it is to make changes; we're all just human after all.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
wow OP nice job .
Thanks Gina. Next time you are visiting, we'll have to get together
good job man!!! I gotta start working out as well.
Nightshift, diet is just as important as exercise. Take it slowly and easy at first and let your body adjust. Then make more changes like I discussed about. Also, give the supplements a try. I’m a firm believer there is no magic silver bullet (well, maybe vitamin V), but the sum of all the little changes (diet, exercise, supplements) will make a huge difference. My BP is now 122/69 (yeah, I bit my lip when the nurse said 69), my A1c is now 5,3, well within the normal range, and my cholesterol is now 160,, down 85 points. And I got the libido of a high schooler again!
Exotic Yazmin DDD's Avatar
Thanks Yazmin honey. I was a train wreak ready to happen. I could have been like Luke Perry. I feel much better and will keep at this lifestyle. Maybe I can give you jingle sometime and you can help me celebrate ;-) Originally Posted by Big.Boy
Please do!! We can do some heart healthy workouts and detoxing sweating!!!
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Im here now ..

Thanks Gina. Next time you are visiting, we'll have to get together Originally Posted by Big.Boy
Daracus's Avatar
Nice job young man! We are about the same age, I also try to put fitness in my life 4 days or more out of the week. My diet has change to mainly salmon and broccoli. I feel better and look better since joining Anytime Fitness. If you truly treasure your body you will maintain your fitness. Also consult with your physician before advance training and get a yearly physical.
congrats man, truly inspiring.
If you look down and can’t see your pecker, you need to do something about it Originally Posted by Big.Boy

What if i loose weight and still can't see my pecker?