For some here that may have missed it....I thought I would post this in a new thread so that others may have a chance to read it.
I have asked for sc to explain this threat but he crawfishes each time.
My hope in starting this thread is to let others see and know why threats can not be tolerated on this board.
Until recently ALL threats here were a reason for banning. Now the new thinking is to rank them on a 1 to 10 scale and apply points or whatever according to the threat.
At first I didn't think much about this threat....just more stupid shit flowing from sc.
This week the theme in Co-ed seems to be all about a NEW Coming on this board and it seems to be spearheaded by sc, shine and px.
Shine says he has the mods in his back pocket and has control over removing threads. Normally I would say he's full of shit but I did have a couple of my posts removed and no one ever told me why.
Having said all of this....this is the threatening post sc made.
My question is does he really think this? or is he just that fucking stupid.
Here is his post:
"If you continue with your harrassment I'm gonna officially report you to St.C you've been warned cease and desist. Next time either the mods will deal with you or I will be forced to make you waste your money on an attorney. I've given you a fair amount of time lament and get it out of your system. Enough is enough. I will serve you legally through this site if you continue with the harrassment and slander."
you be the judge