
Has anyone had any experiences with it? I've heard good & bad...

Either way, I'm tired of being a smoker! I start Monday. Wish me luck!!
  • MrGiz
  • 07-11-2011, 09:49 AM
I have had two women very close to me, try it.... they're both still puffin away! I have heard of success with others though... Good Luck!
Sydney Pure's Avatar
GD..In my before hobbyland times I worked close with a few Chantix success stories...

and Others that could not take the wierd dreams they were experiencing with the drug. and thats usually the only complaint that I ever heard.

Good Luck and Let us know if you start sleep walking....
I took wellbutrin and now can't even smoke a cigarette if I wanted to. It works for some, it doesn't work for others, but I was very lucky that after taking it for about three months cigarettes just became very unappealing. I still take it and if I light up a cigarette I can't even get through a quarter of it before it just tastes awful and I have to put it out. Eventually you stop even trying and you lose the desire to waste any more of other people's cigarettes
TechOne's Avatar
What ever works, Ginger, I for one, will applaud you for becoming a non-smoker!

As an employer who would not hire a smoker unless they were actively trying to quit, I have paid for many treatments, most which were successful, but maybe 10 percent were not. Some people could either not remember to take the treatment or would stop taking it so they could cheat, then start up again. That was a waste of money and the employee was terminated.

Hang in there with whichever you choose. My best advice is to reduce the stress-causers in the your life, first. Moving or starting a new job, or going through a fight, would not be a great time to start quitting.
One of my best friends has used Chantix.. twice.. but loved it both times.. then he goes out with his buddies and smokes.. blah. But he says it works and swears by it. Good luck, girl.