I agree it's a cess pool.As you stir that HUGE ladle...
Love it thoughOriginally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Who's race baiting Originally Posted by Sistine ChapelSomething you know nothing about...
I don't know how to fix it. Pull the fun people back in I guess. Originally Posted by idiot savantSimple.
The only path to fix the coed section will require the mods to move from hands-off and spectators to engaged sheriffs. Otherwise self-check is ineffective. I’m not sure what purpose coed serves. The ladies can post ads and they have their ladies only forum. The mongers have their encounter reports and men’s lounge. Nothing productive comes from point-counterpoint when a provider and customer disagree on what occurred. Maybe it’s time to close coed for the balance of 2019 and revisit in 2020. Like separating kids who constantly fight. Originally Posted by Fresh-MemesThe Houston mods are part of the problem! This is supposedly a new eccie! Yet akim and sc are still members! ANYWHERE ELSE there asses would have been banned a long time ago! They do not dare to say there same shit in Austin! Crypt would ban there asses quickly!