Encounter: Starlovedme

scot90's Avatar
Date: 03/30/19
Name: Starluvsyou
User ID:: 198272
Phone: 469-607-3669
Email Address: Starluvsyou@gmail.com
URL / Website: -
City: Burleson
State: Texas
Address: I35-Burleson
Activities: GFE
Hair Length and Color: Blonde, shoulder length, ponytail
Age: 32
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: 5'7", 145lbs per Showcase. Star is a really pretty lady with a firm body, and I don't hand out compliments easily. No tatoos and I believe only pierced ears. I have met her a few times and she is always impeccably clean and smelling good. She uses very little makeup and has a very pretty face. Her teeth are perfect.
Recommendation: Yes
Has her scuffed and swollen knee recovered from her recent fall?? Poor thing looked like it hurt
Hope it healed well and she is okay
Sweet lady
mrredcat43's Avatar
What's the deal with her knees?

Nothing is wrong with her knees. She has gorgeous legs. Just recently she had a little accident and banged and scraped up one of her knees.
Sandsailor's Avatar
I will keep trying to meet this doll. 360 degree 10 judging by her porfolio.