Encounter: Taste of Perfection

Date: 04/05/2019
Name: Perfect
Address and Phone: Blue Spa - 11181 Denton Dr. Ste. 110, Phone: (972) 241-2999
Address: -
Phone: -
City: -
State: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
Activities: dkf bbj ts nuru cg attempted msog
Hair Length and Color: black and put up
Age: sweet young thing
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Korean
Physical Description: Tiny little young lady nice MM B's with eraser nipples
Recommendation: Yes
Ghostrider's Avatar
You are definitely hitting the best ones...
BobbyMann's Avatar
You do indeed have good luck or good taste! I applaud your enjoying her TS Nuru with her; it's a classic with this little spinner.

Perfect's the bomb. I'm still fantasizing about seeing her in a brownie uniform (somebody buy one for her, please!!!)

Saw her in the hall today when I was there to see another of their beauties, and got a little kiss from her; I almost shot my wad right then and there. She's truly PERFECT!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm still fantasizing about seeing her in a brownie uniform (somebody buy one for her, please!!!) Originally Posted by BobbyMann
8th ad from the top.. current high bid $10, 3 days left! Perfect would look so hot in this one!

Picachulon's Avatar
Your research is paying off. Good review.
Ghostrider's Avatar
Did Bobby pull the trigger on Perfects clothing?