These are going become more frequent as the law that was passed in Jan 2019.
The target was Providers
The goal..Pretty self explanatory
Kind of like a DUI check point.
They may get 20 DUI's out of 100 vehicles.
BUT..they will get Drivers with suspended licenses.
They will get people with warrants
Expired tags
And Make mothers Against Drunk drivers feel more secure as well as meet a quota.
One thing us providers know is our screening tactics are out dated or need to be adjusted.
There is a very dark side to this industry. As a Provider I only hear of it as a client you may have been exposed to it and never even have known it.
There is a dark side for us.
The fear of meeting the client that we never return home from meeting.
Jeffery Dahmer type per se.
But the bottom line is, it is a misdemeanor.
Unless you have other issues. But for the regular Plain Bread & Butter w/ a side of Spank me is Just an inconvenience ..a court date, with a misdemeanor charge.
And if you aren't AWARE KC is located smack dab in the Middle of Good Ole USA.
Lots of People..Lots of Industry & Business here and with what I do In the RW..This City is Growing the expansion is Amazing !!New Companies, New Developments ALL OVER.
Stings WILL Occur..That will never change. Communication is important.
Ladies Communicate. If you aren't reference Friendly , you might rethink your position on that.
That's how we get through this.
And you gentlemen who think screening is evasive, You get the left overs..
Hope it is Lasagna