An American Badass

eccieuser9500's Avatar
if you want anyone to pay attention to your views try not making every post "I HATE TRUMP' .. ok? we got that by now. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

It's pretty hard to argue against brilliance. I'm on the side of egalitarianism from the workers' perspective. Not on the side of those who inherit their wealth. Such is my lot in life. This is just paraphrasing the documentary.

How the elite are destroying Democracy

Principle #1: Reduce Democracy

"Protect the minority of the opulent against the majority."
James Madison, secret Constitutional Convention

Principle #2: Shape Ideology

The Powel memorandum stated business is losing control of the society. Carry out a defensive against Democracy.

The Trilateral Commision stated "institutions reponsible for the indoctrination of the young" failed, and led to an "excess of democracy".

Principle #3: Redesign the Economy

Increase the roll of financial institutions.

Increase the flow of speculative capital.

Pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 (Policy report to Congress)

Economic success is based on "greater worker insecurity."
Alan Greenspan, February 26, 1997

Principle #4: Shift the Burden

Plutonomy: small percentage of the world's population that's gathering increasing wealth.

Precariat (Precarious Proletariat): working people who live increasingly precarious lives.

Multibillion dollar corporations make enormous profits and don't pay taxes; hoarding the cash instead of investing in workers or the country.

Principle #5: Attack Solidarity

Your master doesn't care about you.

Free public education, the GI Bill and funding the Special Olympics leads to a higher standard of living.

Principle #6: Run the Regulators

Businesses write the laws.

Bush Sr. bails out Continental Bank of Illinois

Savings and Loan Bailout cost $126 Billion
Kathleen Day, Washington Post

The next one is coming. When the trade deal is made. They created the laws to keep them from failing in their speculative investments.

Principle #7: Engineer Elections

"No state shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
Article 14, US Constitution

Protected freed slaves. Except now used almost exclusively for businesses and corporations. Corporations are now seen as people. Including undocumented aliens.

Now money is speech. These "people" are using their massive "vocabulary" to run the federal government.

Principle #8: Keep the Rabble in Line

Has the United States ratified C098 - Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)?

Principle #9: Manufacturing Consent

"The public must be put in its place, so that it may exercise its own powers, but no less and perhaps even more, so that each of us may live free of the trampling and the roar of a bewildered herd."
Walter Libman

The public being marginalized creates an uninformed electorate to make irrational choices against their own interests.

Principle #10: Marginalize the Public

A corrosive social relationship leads to unfocused anger and self destructive behavior. April 15th is when we should remember how democracies actually function.

Socialism is the answer...Gotcha!!
From each according to their each according to the need...AKA...utopia!!
Pretty simple!!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Why would you support the party of hypocritical billionaires is beyond me.
bambino's Avatar
It's pretty hard to argue against brilliance. I'm on the side of egalitarianism from the workers' perspective. Not on the side of those who inherit their wealth. Such is my lot in life. This is just paraphrasing the documentary.

How the elite are destroying Democracy

Principle #1: Reduce Democracy
"Protect the minority of the opulent against the majority."
James Madison, secret Constitutional Convention

Principle #2: Shape Ideology

The Powel memorandum stated business is losing control of the society. Carry out a defensive against Democracy.

The Trilateral Commision stated "institutions reponsible for the indoctrination of the young" failed, and led to an "excess of democracy".

Principle #3: Redesign the Economy

Increase the roll of financial institutions.

Increase the flow of speculative capital.

Pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 (Policy report to Congress)

Economic success is based on "greater worker insecurity."
Alan Greenspan, February 26, 1997

Principle #4: Shift the Burden

Plutonomy: small percentage of the world's population that's gathering increasing wealth.

Precariat (Precarious Proletariat): working people who live increasingly precarious lives.

Multibillion dollar corporations make enormous profits and don't pay taxes; hoarding the cash instead of investing in workers or the country.

Principle #5: Attack Solidarity

Your master doesn't care about you.

Free public education, the GI Bill and funding the Special Olympics leads to a higher standard of living.

Principle #6: Run the Regulators

Businesses write the laws.

Bush Sr. bails out Continental Bank of Illinois

Savings and Loan Bailout cost $126 Billion
Kathleen Day, Washington Post

The next one is coming. When the trade deal is made. They created the laws to keep them from failing in their speculative investments.

Principle #7: Engineer Elections

"No state shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
Article 14, US Constitution

Protected freed slaves. Except now used almost exclusively for businesses and corporations. Corporations are now seen as people. Including undocumented aliens.

Now money is speech. These "people" are using their massive "vocabulary" to run the federal government.

Principle #8: Keep the Rabble in Line

Has the United States ratified C098 - Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)?

Principle #9: Manufacturing Consent

"The public must be put in its place, so that it may exercise its own powers, but no less and perhaps even more, so that each of us may live free of the trampling and the roar of a bewildered herd."
Walter Libman

The public being marginalized creates an uninformed electorate to make irrational choices against their own interests.

Principle #10: Marginalize the Public

A corrosive social relationship leads to unfocused anger and self destructive behavior. April 15th is when we should remember how democracies actually function.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Jealousy is a useless emotion. Accept your “lot in life” and move on .
I'd rather fuck a whore "above my pay grade."

Hey, eu9500, you've got 43 reviews. Do you have a gubbmit job or inherit your money? Both?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Ever read or watch anything on the 1400-1800 Kings and Queens in England and how they stayed in power.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Why would you support the party of hypocritical billionaires is beyond me. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Bless your heart.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Ever read or watch anything on the 1400-1800 Kings and Queens in England and how they stayed in power. Originally Posted by rexdutchman
Does thay mean I can say what we've been saying all along? He thinks he's a king.
You couldn't avoid it...another trash Trump...congrats!!
You need to study up more on your reverse psychology...Sigmund Fraud.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's pretty hard to argue against brilliance. I'm on the side of egalitarianism from the workers' perspective. Not on the side of those who inherit their wealth. Such is my lot in life. This is just paraphrasing the documentary.

How the elite are destroying Democracy

Principle #1: Reduce Democracy

"Protect the minority of the opulent against the majority."
James Madison, secret Constitutional Convention

Principle #2: Shape Ideology

The Powel memorandum stated business is losing control of the society. Carry out a defensive against Democracy.

The Trilateral Commision stated "institutions reponsible for the indoctrination of the young" failed, and led to an "excess of democracy".

Principle #3: Redesign the Economy

Increase the roll of financial institutions.

Increase the flow of speculative capital.

Pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 (Policy report to Congress)

Economic success is based on "greater worker insecurity."
Alan Greenspan, February 26, 1997

Principle #4: Shift the Burden

Plutonomy: small percentage of the world's population that's gathering increasing wealth.

Precariat (Precarious Proletariat): working people who live increasingly precarious lives.

Multibillion dollar corporations make enormous profits and don't pay taxes; hoarding the cash instead of investing in workers or the country.

Principle #5: Attack Solidarity

Your master doesn't care about you.

Free public education, the GI Bill and funding the Special Olympics leads to a higher standard of living.

Principle #6: Run the Regulators

Businesses write the laws.

Bush Sr. bails out Continental Bank of Illinois

Savings and Loan Bailout cost $126 Billion
Kathleen Day, Washington Post

The next one is coming. When the trade deal is made. They created the laws to keep them from failing in their speculative investments.

Principle #7: Engineer Elections

"No state shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
Article 14, US Constitution

Protected freed slaves. Except now used almost exclusively for businesses and corporations. Corporations are now seen as people. Including undocumented aliens.

Now money is speech. These "people" are using their massive "vocabulary" to run the federal government.

Principle #8: Keep the Rabble in Line

Has the United States ratified C098 - Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)?

Principle #9: Manufacturing Consent

"The public must be put in its place, so that it may exercise its own powers, but no less and perhaps even more, so that each of us may live free of the trampling and the roar of a bewildered herd."
Walter Libman

The public being marginalized creates an uninformed electorate to make irrational choices against their own interests.

Principle #10: Marginalize the Public

A corrosive social relationship leads to unfocused anger and self destructive behavior. April 15th is when we should remember how democracies actually function.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Sorry. You lost me at FDR and egalitarianism.


Seriously .. do you really think everyone is equal in the worker egalitarian sense? in the old USSR you'd be a brilliant brain surgeon except that'd made you a bus driver. guess who ends up being a brain surgeon?


If you gave everyone the free choice to be anything they want, are you going to let them even if they aren't qualified? In the name of the workers? Capitalism weeds out the weak like the predators of the African savanna.

you must know .. that even with Bernie's bullshit free education for all if the education is worth a damn people flunk out. all the time. every semester. every year. for anyone who does have a 4 year degree we all know it's less about money as it is about determination to do it. part of this academic scandal is the pressure from parents to go to college simply because they can afford it. (without cheating).

there is an old adage ..

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink".
Ever read or watch anything on the 1400-1800 Kings and Queens in England and how they stayed in power. Originally Posted by rexdutchman
They had the best scam going ever. "God has ordained me to be your Prince, so you MUST obey my every command under pain of death".

Of course, they had the Church in partnership in this hoax. The poor ignorant Peasnats didn't stand a chance.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

got to admit that they do look similar!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
You couldn't avoid it...another trash Trump...congrats!! Originally Posted by bb1961

The elite includes his majesty. But is not limited to him. I included FDR, James Madison and the Trilateral Commission who said society failed to indoctrinate because there was TOO MUCH democracy.

Sorry. You lost me at FDR and egalitarianism.


there is an old adage ..

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink". Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
What would disqualify Jethro from being a doctor? If all he needed before the unlimited income was a bow and arrow. Fortunately the shotgun led to the Texas tea. After which he had all the means, physically and mentally, to be a brain surgeon.

But since he was set for life, why go to school? It's funny you should use that family to poke fun at me. But, if you remember, it was his financiers and advisers who wanted to fleece the flock out of the family. In the end, and all throughout, they didn't understand nor care how rich they were. They always did the right thing by their closest and most trusted. Even though they trusted strangers to a limit.

Even a farmer would need two arms and legs to grow the sustainable needs. If given the chance, and if you have the drive, the flyover children of the corn DO use all there advantages. Good for them. If you are qualified, it still has to be proven.

So what would disqualify someone from being a doctor?

"You can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think."
  • Tiny
  • 04-16-2019, 08:56 PM
He's not a badass. Noam Chomsky is an American Dumb Ass.

Principle #1: Reduce Democracy

"Protect the minority of the opulent against the majority."
James Madison, secret Constitutional Convention

Yes there were safeguards the founders inserted into the Constitution that protect minorities from a tyranny of the majority. These include protections of basic freedoms and liberty. Perhaps as a result as a nation we've never gone through something like the French Revolution, that is, mob rule. We don't have an unwieldy Democracy like India or Italy. Be careful what you wish for.

Principle #2: Shape Ideology

The Powel memorandum stated business is losing control of the society. Carry out a defensive against Democracy.

The Trilateral Commision stated "institutions reponsible for the indoctrination of the young" failed, and led to an "excess of democracy".

Business hasn't controlled American society since before Theodore Roosevelt. Trilateral Commission conspiracy theorists have about as much credibility as birthers.

Principle #3: Redesign the Economy

Increase the roll of financial institutions.

Increase the flow of speculative capital.

Pursuant to the Full Employment and Balanced Growth Act of 1978 (Policy report to Congress)

Economic success is based on "greater worker insecurity."
Alan Greenspan, February 26, 1997

OK, something we mostly agree about, depending on how you define "speculative capital." Yes, there's too much money being spent on the grease (financial institutions) used to lubricate the capitalist machine, and financial institutions without proper regulation can fuck things up royally.

Principle #4: Shift the Burden

Plutonomy: small percentage of the world's population that's gathering increasing wealth.

Precariat (Precarious Proletariat): working people who live increasingly precarious lives.

Multibillion dollar corporations make enormous profits and don't pay taxes; hoarding the cash instead of investing in workers or the country.

Typical line of progressive bull shit. If carried to its logical end, you end up with something like Venezuela. Instead of fucking over the "plutonomy", how about doing things to improve the lives of the "precarious proletariat." Improve education by making teachers accountable. Come up with a social security system like Singapore or Chile that makes people owners of corporations instead of participants in a giant Ponzi scheme. Get health care costs down by introducing real competition into the system, and don't let drug and insurance companies get away with murder -- learn from other countries with better health care systems. Make government more efficient, and help people who really need it, like poor children and single mothers, instead of flushing our tax dollars down the drain on so many things that don't make sense.

While yes there are failings in the system, the American middle class is amazingly prosperous. Other than petrostates (Kuwait, Norway), very small countries (Luxembourg) and other countries that like us don't have huge public sectors (Switzerland, Singapore), nobody's got it demonstrably better. And a large part of the reason for the success of the USA, Switzerland and Singapore are the multibillion dollar corporations you demonize.

Principle #5: Attack Solidarity

Your master doesn't care about you.

Free public education, the GI Bill and funding the Special Olympics leads to a higher standard of living.

Translation: Let's do like France. Have the taxpayer pay for people to spend 8 years studying philosophy so they can be indoctrinated by progressive academics and will be more likely to vote for the people I want them to vote for. Absolutely the higher education system is screwed up, like the health care system, where inflation in costs has become ridiculous. If you want to provide more public support, at least make sure it's being used efficiently in a way that students end up with marketable job skills.

Principle #6: Run the Regulators

Businesses write the laws.

Bush Sr. bails out Continental Bank of Illinois

Savings and Loan Bailout cost $126 Billion
Kathleen Day, Washington Post

The next one is coming. When the trade deal is made. They created the laws to keep them from failing in their speculative investments.

Kind of agree with you on this one. Although with respect to the 2008/2009 crisis, the money Bush and Obama spent to support the solvency of financial institutions was put to good use and the government got its money back.

Principle #7: Engineer Elections

"No state shall . . . deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
Article 14, US Constitution

Protected freed slaves. Except now used almost exclusively for businesses and corporations. Corporations are now seen as people. Including undocumented aliens.

Now money is speech. These "people" are using their massive "vocabulary" to run the federal government.

More bull shit. This reasoning is not used to actually clamp down on free speech by corporate
America. It was used to clamp down on free speech by groups of citizens who supported "Tea Party" and pro Israel issues.

Principle #8: Keep the Rabble in Line

Has the United States ratified C098 - Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98)?

More or less agree with you on this one too.
Principle #9: Manufacturing Consent

"The public must be put in its place, so that it may exercise its own powers, but no less and perhaps even more, so that each of us may live free of the trampling and the roar of a bewildered herd."

Walter Libman

The public being marginalized creates an uninformed electorate to make irrational choices against their own interests.

A corrosive social relationship leads to unfocused anger and self destructive behavior. April 15th is when we should remember how democracies actually function.

Sounds like incoherent rambling. Maybe you could explain what this means.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Chomsky is arrogant, sanctimonious and wrong.
got to admit that they do look similar! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Neither one has good taste when it comes to eye wear.