Lawyer recs?

KatiforYou's Avatar
I have an old (2005!) ticket in Davenport that I need help with. Can someone recommend a good attorney in that area? I’ve googled but not come up with much.

You don't need an attorney for this. Even if there is an outstanding warrant, this can be solved with one telephone call, or simply getting online.

If you really want an attorney in Davenport, I'll put you in touch with one who is actually competent, and won't rip your head off for such a simple matter.

The 90/10 rule is very applicable in that profession. As in most professions. As in life.
Kait, golfer is correct. Call the court and ask them what you need to do to resolve. Be nice and apologetic and they should tell you something and thank you for wanting to take care of it.

Also, I suggest saying something to the effect, “I’d come down in person, but I reside out of state.” Even though I’d tell you NOT to go in person, lol.

If you don’t get a good answer, then call a lawyer.