3 Fun Facts About the Human Body

Ava_LaRue's Avatar
Saw a more comprehensive list on social media but had to share these 3!

1. Semen ejaculates at 27 mph, faster than school zones.
2. The inside of your cheek is made of the same tissue as the inside of the vagina. That may have something to do with the popularity of blowjobs.
3. The average erection uses about two tablespoons of blood to become erect...about the same amount of blood that's in a gerbil.

Smile! Laugh! Have a great day!
LMAF thanks for getting my smile going. Keep it coming sweet lady.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar

1. Semen ejaculates at 27 mph, faster than school zones.
Smile! Laugh! Have a great day!
Originally Posted by Ava_LaRue
Speed of semen hitting the toilet during spit, 163 mph.

DallasRain's Avatar
LOl now I have a visial of a gerbil in my head! LOL

Thanks for sharing!!
Ava_LaRue's Avatar
LOl now I have a visial of a gerbil in my head! LOL Originally Posted by DallasRain
So does Richard Gere!
Lucuyslove's Avatar
Lmfao good shit