Encounter: Tea time with Jessika

CaptainHowdy713's Avatar
Date: 04/17/2019
Name: Jessika
User ID:: JustJessika
Phone: -
Email Address: http://jessika713.escorts.biz/
URL / Website: http://jessika713.escorts.biz/
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: 45 South Hobby
Activities: Convo, Fbsm, Hj, CBJ ,MPCFS, Fov, Breast worship
Hair Length and Color: Brown down to mid back
Age: 30’s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Short and busty. Great, soft natural boobs with very suckable nipples. An ass that loves to be pounded. She is definitely a PAWG. Lil bit of a tummy but very fuckable.
Recommendation: Yes
Chlorine's Avatar
Chlorine's Avatar
USAsoldier's Avatar
CBJ, also pass!

CBJ, Pass as well!
Aweshucks's Avatar
Been interested in her for a while. Thanks for the review!
  • gc161
  • 04-24-2019, 01:33 AM
Damn she got a nice ass
Brandofan's Avatar
CBJ... pass!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-05-2019, 03:56 PM
CBJ and a big stomach? Easy pass!
Since all the haters seem to be attracted to all of her reviews I will say this....
OP....you seemed to have enjoyed your session.
Thanks for the review.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-08-2019, 10:43 PM
OP has 8 total post, seems suspect to me. JS, glad the WK's enjoy it since the other men here are labeled haters. fair is fair
I am no ones wk.
I just find it ironical that the same people continue to blast this lady for no reason.
The reviewer seemed to enjoy his session
His review deserves better than a bunch of negative comments...half of which the posters are not even from this area.

The system must be slow to have so many out of town members fuck with people in Houston