Lorenzo Gilyard convicted in 2007 - Killed 6 women in Kansas City
Terry Blair convicted in 2004 - killed 7 women in Kansas City
Derek Richardson convicted 2013 - killed 2 women in Kansas City
Gregory Breedon suspected but never convicted- killing and mutilating 7 women in Kansas City
Sam Little convicted 2014 - 30 women confirmed killed up to 90 more being investigated across the entire county
Jerry Westrom charged 2019 - killed woman in 1993 and just now caught!
And countless unsolved murders in kansas city alone of women who may never see justice.
Gentlemen, I understand the whole not wanting to give out your RW information during screening...i do...you dont want to be outed or caught...we have that same worry...no one wants to have their RW info out there...no one wants to get robbed or hurt...but to ensure our safety so we dont become the next news story we ask for certain information...do you think Lorenzo Gilyard would give out his RW info to anyone he saw...no because he had ulterior motives, a reason to hide...please remember these women are risking their lives every day!!!
Thank you to everyone that has been so kind to me while i was here...you ladies are amazing ...and to the gents... it was fun...ive met some truly wonderful people but the risk is not worth the reward for me...all it takes is one bad apple to spoil the bunch...im lucky to still be alive...dont take anything for granted and dont put anyone in any danger...if you want it to be fun it is up to everyone to keep it fun...respect one another and watch out for each other...with as much love as i can send to you all...Love you guys!
Goodbye everyone Stay safe
Brandi Grovey