I agree with eightisenough.
If they are lazy, they probably won't make much. And there are a lot of lazy girls who just sit at the bar on their phone and only talk to a few people.
There are also hustlers who go after their money by giving dances, extra, make money doing stage dances because of their hotness, etc.
These strippers also make money outside of dancing as well. My age is probably showing here, but here is a prime example:
That girl used to dance at XTC in Dallas. She's 22 (I believe), and she already has a house that's paid for. She's actually a smart dancer. Smart, as in, she plays her cards well. She's not nice though. Lol.
Anyway... outside of dancing at the club, she does webshows, she used to have and ONLYFANS account where stupid ass men pay $40/month to see her naked through vid clips or images -_-, she also does social media promotions for a fee and has a premium Snap Chat.
Basically, if a dancer is hustling in the club and using their clientele to earn more money outside the club by doing various things like that... they can earn up to a million a year.
But she's a rarity. Not all dancers are that smart or wants to hustle that hard. Lol.