Best Sites?

what is the sites everyone uses to 'shop' nowadays with the downfall of TER here in the states. is it eroticmonkey, eros, or adult search? are they reliable? i also have a user id with p411, but i can't remember my pw or ID, and they wont help me get it back.

Where do you all do your shopping now?
(If this is already discussed in another post, please attach link, sorry for the repeat)
P411. Everything else is too "economically" motivated.
GypsyHeart's Avatar
Shoot I am just googling every few weeks to see what sites are top in search
Eric586's Avatar
I have used eroticmonkey and eros with no problems. There is a lot of activity on Twitter and
^^^ +1 to and - but realize that is unmoderated so there are a lot of ads there for spamtraps and rip-off artitsts....
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
eros, twitter, slixa, google "CITY escort" and sites would pop.
Just make sure the lady you want to meet has an stablished web presence. Google emails, name, twitter handle, phone number.
How do you make sure there isn't a police sting from one of these sites?
How do you make sure there isn't a police sting from one of these sites? Originally Posted by Fishingnboots
Verify the provider's RW identity before they allow the provider to create a profile.
That makes sense.
I've been a long time lurker but thing I'm gonna branch out and try a spa soon. Any tips to inform the lady that I'm looking for more then just a massage? Also, do I just ask them if I can leave a review on here?
Spas are the # 1 target of LE enforcement / stings - lowest hanging fruit. As Bob Kraft.