Encounter: Amazing time with HaydenSky

Date: 05/05/2019
Name: HaydenSky
Phone: 7867144978
Email Address: Hayden.sky.xo@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=358512
City: Kansas City
State: Missouri
Address: KC Downtown
Activities: Convo, LFK, BBBJ, CBJ, DATY, Miss, More CBJ, Doggy, K9, Breast worship and finally more convo
Hair Length and Color: bleached blonde. was long but can't remember how long it was; maybe up to lower back
Age: 22-23
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Her profile is more or less accurate. 5'3" height is probably accurate. Very smooth and soft lips and pierced tongue. nice D cup breasts with pink nipples; perfect booty and overall perfect figure for me. She had a fresh and welcoming smell which was great.
Recommendation: Yes
Balvenie's Avatar
Thanks for the nice review. I would love to meet her.
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