A provider on here just group texted me and a bunch of other dudes that she’s running a special. Brilliant right? Is this a reportable offense because she’s basically outing everyone to each other?
I get marketing texts all the time from providers. It's just part of the Hobby. Delete them immediately, get a burner phone, or a messaging application.
A) this goes beyond being a marketing text when you see everyone else’s contact information and names
B) I use a burner so it’s not affecting me so much as this girl is outing other members which I’m sure they don’t appreciate if they’re not using burners
A provider on here just group texted me and a bunch of other dudes that she’s running a special. Brilliant right? Is this a reportable offense because she’s basically outing everyone to each other?
Originally Posted by Ahdroid1983
If she had done something here on ECCIE showing personal info then maybe??
That's why I don't give too much real world information out, even if it's required in the screening process, I just won't see them. I'm sure these nice women will fuck you for money & fuck over you for money as well. They don't think clearly when money is low.